Today, I felt like making a list of minor victories that occurred over the week. You know, the kind of stuff that usually goes unchampioned but, in a week where I pretty much wanted to face-plant in the hallway, deserves a bit of an after-the-fact high-five? Yep, those. And I totally invite you to make your own list of non-failures! Sometimes it’s nice to realize that, at least on paper, a pretty hard week was also a pretty a-ok one.
Once you’re laying down.
Once the week is over.
7 non-failures that definitely happened this week!
I followed through on plans with friends. (Why is this one so hard? Especially when it’s so, so lovely to spend time with people I love? The human brain, man. So weird.)
I had my first in-person event for Tidyish. (My reward? I got to meet Queer Eye’s Bobby Berk and gained a new sponsor to boot. So the takeaway is- if you do your job, sometimes you get compensated for your job. Crazy!)
I took my kids to a Cubs game. (File this one under: “Ways I was a good wife this week”, too.)
I watered my plants. (For some people, this is automatic. My plants would- if they weren’t normally gasping for sustenance- tell you that this is not so much the case ’round here.)
I played Star Wars with my four year-old for an absolute eternity. (Oh, not sure how to play Star Wars? That’s cool, me neither. Basically it consists of Jasper laying out Star Wars-related scenarios, me trying to play/vocalize along, and then being told gently that it’s, you know, incorrect. FOR LIKE TWO WEEKS AT A TIME EACH DAY.)
I worked out. Six days this week. (Granted, the word “Insanity” is right there in the program title, but some other words were flung around, too. They weren’t “I care” words.)
I cleaned a friend’s kitchen. (That one was pretty satisfying, and made me feel like a productive member of society. But ask me how my own kitchen’s doing today. Go on. Ask me.)
In re-reading these, I think my non-failures can be summed up pretty easily.
Even though I didn’t want to:
-Wake up
-Do any work
-Go anywhere
-Cook any food
-Talk on the phone (to people about business)
…I did. I didn’t want to, and I did ’em anyway.
…And finally, even though I couldn’t get my act together to post on Thursday, I made it happen on Friday.
And you’re reading it now.
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