Disclosure: Sometimes I get things for free! Sometimes I just love to promote people and things and require no more compensation than a hearty (virtual) handshake. Neither scenario impacts my words in the slightest, as all thoughts, opinions, and gingerbread feelings are entirely my own.
One of my favorite parts of blogging is- and has always been- sharing my favorite companies and products with people whom I’m 99% certain would be hanging out with me and buying the same stuff, anyhow. This holiday roundup is no different. Except it totally is, because this year’s selection has a little something for everyone, starting with:
The Daphne Bootie
Let me tell you about these Daphne Booties from Rhea Footwear; they’re magnificent on so many levels. For starters, they’re gorgeous. I have a problem with leather boots, and that problem is that I want all the leather boots. Terrific, ankle-height ones in black? Magical. Secondly, they’re absolutely meant for people like me, of the accident-prone variety. And maybe you too? Because the Neverslip Technology is meant for folks who not only fall down often but also folks who walk to and fro and endure all sorts of weather. I’ve been loving on mine in this bonkers Chicago weather (and have really, really, put them to the test). This is an actual outfit I styled them with (on my way to review a show with the girls!) but the possibilities are endless; with cuffed skinnies, leggings, minis, and a Pinterest board’s worth of other styles. (Pro tip: they run a little narrow, so allow for that. I ordered my normal size and wore them with thick socks for a bit until these booties figured out just how lurch-prone I am.) They’re dreamy. They hold up in the Chicago weather. And hey, how about free shipping and returns, plus an exclusive 20% off for Lollygag Blog readers? (Use code: Lollygag20) Go get ‘em here, tiger.
The Fleece Play Mat from MMP Living

This is what it looks like when you put a few together; don’t you wanna just curl up with some trucks?!
I had intended to earmark this next one for Jasper- you know, my almost three-year old? After all, the ridiculously soft, incredibly cute play mat from MMP Living has hours of car-happy play built right in. (It rolls up for easy storage, too!) There are the winding train tracks, the interlocking streets, the carnival, even the town pool; pretty much every place I like to go to in my city-dwelling life. But it looks like Jasper may have a wait to play with this one. You see, his sisters got to try it out first. And then his Dad caught sight of it. And well, once I saw the carousel… So when Jasper does get his turn with this limited edition play mat, I’m sure that his favorite features will be the wide streets (which actually match up to other mats’ streets if you buy multiple- this was a major design point early on!), the non-slip backing (in case Jasper has inherited my balance alongside my eye color), and- because it cannot be mentioned enough- that soft, soft fabric is just perfect for perhaps curling up for a post-traffic nap. (Okay, maybe I enjoyed more than just the carousel.) And you guys are gonna love the price point on this perfect gift from Santa: check it here!
Queen Girls
A Kickstarter campaign as a gift idea? Oh yes. How could I resist the tag line of “Queens are the new princesses?” Queen Girls’ mission to create “fairy tales” out of real life inspirational women (since only 31% of protagonists in children’s literature are female). The trio of women behind Queen Girls are an international bunch: co-creator Jimena Durán is from Spain, co-creator Andrea Doshi is from the USA, and artist Chiara Fabbri is from Italy. So far they’ve penned “Bessie, Queen of the Sky,” about Bessie Coleman, the first African American woman to hold a pilot’s license; “Isadora, the Rebel Queen,” the tale of the unconventional dancer Isadora Duncan who changed how people saw Modern Dance; and “Savi, Queen of Education,” which tells the story of Savitribhai Phule, a poet, champion of girls’ education in India, and founder (and first female teacher!) of a her family’s school for women. If promoting female-driven narratives (in both hardcover and digital editions) isn’t enough to make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside (and it totally is for me), Queen Girls will match each purchased book– both locally and internationally- to organizations promoting literacy and girl empowerment. Hey Santa, take a note from this- beautifully enlightened- book here.
Jack’s Diner & Puppy Preschool from Sago Mini
I couldn’t love this company more, and if you’re savvy to Sago Mini’s brand of adorable, educational, engaging play, then you know exactly why. These characters- Jack, Harvey, Jinja, Robin, and some new pals, too!- have a really, really good time flying planes, going on road trips (complete with Thelma and Louise-esque head scarves), and operating improbably cute construction vehicles. The world of the bestselling apps has exploded into actual, physical toys, and the latest in this line of wonderfulness is Jack’s Diner. This perfectly portable restaurant unfolds for endless kitchen play with Jack and Dennis the octopus. Our favorite details? A jukebox, booths to seat the characters, a takeout window, and even a tiny washroom. Get it on Amazon in time for Christmas delivery! While you’re browsing, check out Sago Mini’s inspiring line of new toys, like the Tuck Me in Quilt– just perfect for housing each Sago Mini lovey in their own pouch- and the Robin’s Roadtrip foam puzzle mat. (According to Suzy, any and all of these would look fabulous under a tree. Just saying.) Need to reload the iPad for holiday travel? Check out their newest game, Puppy Preschool, which takes Harvey and pals through shape-sorting, puppy-dunking, puppy-pianoing, and counting in more than 15 languages, to name just a few. (Nora’s take: This is pretty much all you’d need to know for actual preschool. But ohmygoodness so much cuter.)
Shoot Along 2017
How about we make a pact to actually do some of those “If I had time, I’d love to learn…” things in the new year? Tops of my list (for a few years now) is to actually learn how to do cool, awesome, and useful things with the fancy camera I have the embarrassing habit of treating like a point n’ shoot. So when the universe put me in the path of Shoot Along, I actually listened this time. Conceived in 2014, this fantastic project is led by two award-winning photographers who deliver weekly emails; in these tomes are easy-to-follow instructions for a new photo skill, inspiration for your photos, tutorial videos, crazy Photoshop Elements knowledge, buckets of encouragement, and even interviews with other professional photographers. Their Facebook community is currently at 3.5k (and growing!), and caters to everyone from photo newbies to folks looking to up their game. A year’s membership is $159, but they’re running a special of $129 for anyone who signs up prior to January 1st, 2017. But to help make your new year even brighter (and photo-worthy), they’re offering a one-year membership to one of my lovely readers! Want it? (Go ahead and scroll through your photo feed for those adorable kiddos pictures which were almost soclosetoreally frameable before answering. Because that’s what I totally just did.) Enter the Rafflecopter below and join me!
And have a picture-perfect, fancily footed, educationally inspiring holiday season (where you totally play with all the best toys, all day long).
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