Spring break (has changed)!

Quick post from the trenches of Spring Break Cousin-Land!

For those just joining us, I ask you a question: What happens when two Flynn girls bring their 7 kids (ages 2, almost-3, 4, 5, 6, 8, and almost-10) together in a Chicago house (hypothetically mine) for a week of high-pitched giggling?


cousin dinnertime

Welcome to the jungle.

And various children sleeping in various sprawled sleeping arrangements, long, mandatory marches across play lots and parks, and meal times that are more reminiscent of trough feedings than anything Norman Rockwell could’ve dreamed up.

There was also a bit of godparent time with these two pairings:

ear piercing

This gal was taken to get her ears pierced! (And it was hard to say who was more excited.)


Chicago shopping

Mandatory Chicago gear with this kid who looks more like me than any of my own offspring.

(And, shh- one more godparent trip tomorrow with the Peej.)

After hours, the Big Kids (i.e. the parents) enjoyed bonfires and Mexican food (and Armenian food and American food and other snacky food), board games (that are inherently funnier when the adults are sleep-deprived), and more than a few moments of WOW WE HAVE A LOT OF CHILDREN.

It’s good to know that these crazy munchkins- despite being from Boston and Chicago- can happily flop together in a house at any given time.

It’s good to see that these cousins can bicker and ally themselves and ultimately love on each other like siblings.

And it’s good to remember that if anyone in the world needs socks they are most likely all balled by the side door, I don’t even think we have this many feet residing in this household.

But mostly it’s just good.



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