I spent the better part of this morning scrolling through old blog posts. That is to say, of the amount of time I had with my computer after kids were fed and generally acknowledged was spent scrolling through old blog posts. That is to say, roughly fourteen minutes. Two things were similarly evident in posts from ’08 and ’09: First, I was a wordy mo’ fo’. (1500 words? Sit down.) Secondly, I have always been this charmingly neurotic.
So. Since I have neither the time nor cruelty to create/unleash 1500 words on this Thursday morning (it’s still Thursday, right?), I’ll bullet the heck out of this one.
- Jasper has begun clicking at me to get my attention. Like a frickin’ horse. While it was initially cute, now it’s just borderline- hold on, Mother’s Baby needs something.
- Okay. Speaking of Jasper, he wrote an article in the latest issue of Hey Baby Chicago. (I was there, too, and wrote a few other ones, but his is something else- like, Ferris Bueller something else. In fact, it’s almost exactly like Ferris Bueller.)
- I filmed an interview for TouchVision media yesterday. It took place smack dab in the middle of a ridiculously driving-kids-from-place-to-place-to-place happy day, so the footage is either effervescent or idiotic. Keep ya posted!
- Susannah finally got to donate her “birthday gifts” to PAWS Chicago over the weekend. She strutted in there like Sassy McPhilanthropy Pants and gently told each puppy and kitty that she had treats and blankets for you…and you…and you… It was like teeny tiny Oprah up in there.
- I did not stuff an impossibly small and feisty kitten into my hoodie pocket. I didn’t. Stop asking.
- Also last weekend, we decorated for Halloween. Okay, P.J. and the kids decorated for Halloween. Happy One Time of the Year Where Our Home Has Appropriate Cobwebs!
And I think we’ll leave it at that. 307 words is pretty decent.
Okay, now it’s 316.
kathigold 49p · 482 weeks ago