Usually around this time of year I’m all hearts n’ flowers n’ red cellophane. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still oh-so Valentinetastic, just maybe a little less vocal about it this February. Heavy hearts and lacy hearts look weird together.
That said, I did make 34 Hershey kiss mice for the girls’ class Valentines. Considering that a) 34 IS A LARGE NUMBER OF PEOPLE TO GLUE THINGS FOR and b) I’m beyond terrified of rodents, I have to assume that some pretty strong Cupid magic is still in place. I also did my own aversion therapy thang and organized my closet, cleaned out the bathroom medicine cabinet, sorted and tossed my collection of makeup and lotions, and rearranged the girls’ bedroom furniture- which is kind of like a gushy little Valentine to my brain from my twitchy hands. (To any of my editors who might happen to be reading this today: this IS how I take a break!)
I guess my point is thus- love is everywhere, whether it comes in the form of a Feng Shui-ed room, a hot-glued piece of foil, or one’s husband clearing the kitchen and laundry piles each night (ohmyGAWDsosexy). You just need to look a little harder for the love, sometimes.
Especially if you’re afraid of finding one of those foil mice in your bed. Look extra hard for that love before turning down the sheets.
Here’s some Valentine happiness for you guys:
And here’s some more:
Go bear hug someone on a couch and kiss ’em up. The day just calls for it.
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