The Cutest Soccer Superstars You’ll Ever See.

Disclaimer: In exchange for social media love, I received complimentary soccer classes for both Nora and Susannah, courtesy of Li’l Kickers. But all thoughts, opinions, and horrifically embarrassing stories are entirely my own. Sigh. 


Remember how, just last month, I was mentioning a not-so shortish list of things at which I am simply terrible? Can we add “playing soccer” to the list?

A short (‘n true) story: My very first JV soccer game, freshman year of high school, saw me suited up in the ol’ green and gold, ready to start as a kinda insecure left wing…only to be clotheslined and sandwiched between two positively MAN LIKE players on the other (to the best of my knowledge) female team. I fell, they fell, they crushed, I was the crushee, and my right quadricep was torn in at least two places.

This was five minutes into the game.

(Related: My Mom had been parking her car at the beginning of the game, so her first experience with my “real” soccer endeavor was to see me being carried off the field in a stretch, borderline unconscious. Sports!)

And as I’m a huge proponent of my kids being way better at me than things in their futures, I (carefully) jumped at the chance to enroll them in the super-fantastic Li’l Kickers soccer program. (True story: Four of the kiddos for whom I nannied took part in the Li’l Kickers program at one point or another. So this totally feels “legit Chicago kid” to me, and hilarious that I’m now the one with the blue-uniformed children.)

These brave folks have wonderful classes for all ages n’ stages, including the 3-4 class that my two little Peles are in, called The Hoppers. (Because CUTE.) The Bradley Place facility is great as well- bright, fun, and insanely efficient.

And God bless their coach, Paolo- dude earns his keep. From running miniature drills to running in miniature circles, he keeps this class of adorable munchkins moving, grooving, and doing things in the general direction of the soccer balls and goal. (<—Impressive.)

li'l kickers chicago

I never thought I’d say this, but I’m kind of a soccer fan again. (As long as the players are tiny, full of applause, and enjoy wearing randomly assigned shirt numbers (in our class, there are three kids wearing the number 4).

Want in on the cuteness? WELL.

If you register between now and November 16th, you’ll receive FIFTY PERCENT OFF your membership fees. Moneymoneymoney, people. For something you seriously want to be doing, anyhow. Just give ’em the code LK50WINTER and then marvel at your ability to make winter sports so darned easy.

I mean, it’s certainly easier than being in the starting lineup of a freshman JV game (for roughly five minutes), but I can’t expect that level of soccer superstardom from everyone, now can I?

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Go there now!

Li’l Kickers




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