Disclaimer: The good people at Savers Thrift Stores provided me with a gift card and the instructions to go wild on creating some looks for Fall, price-comparing along the way. However, I haven’t been otherwise compensated, and all thoughts, opinions, and killer heels are entirely my own.
One of my the greatest loves of my life is The Art of the Thrift.
I have excelled at this art since the day I found an orange vinyl bowling bag from the 1950s in pristine condition for a dollar. I mean, you can’t expect to have that kind of ridiculous luck every day…but I’m not gonna lie, that’s the grail that keeps me hunting and sorting and piling. (There are two kinds of people in this world: People who don’t quite see the appeal of digging through piles of vintage castoffs, and people who just grabbed the stilettos I had my eye on, I swear to God…)
So when my friends at Savers asked if I’d like to participate in a blogger challenge to see what I could do with sixty bucks, I’m not entirely sure they heard my response because a) my high-pitched squeal was approaching dog range, and b) reception got shaky as I bolted to my car.
I spent a few fantastic hours at the new Savers in Glenview. And guys, if you’ve never thrifted, this place will absolutely ruin you for anywhere else. Clean, bright, sorted within an inch of itself, and pre-screened like whoa. That’s right, nothing ripped, dirty, or otherwise questionable here, folks. (Yes, this is a real place.)
And I swear to God I went in for housewares. Honestly. I thought I’d fix up a corner of my dining room with cute furnishings and maybe some new art in like a burnished frame or something…but then I saw the sweaters. And I remembered that, as a Mom who rarely buys cute things for myself to wear, I’ve been a little lacking in that department. So I put like seventeen in my cart. And I saw some skinny jeans that looked way less worn and riptacular than the pair I rock roughly four days a week. And then the shoes…well, I think you’ll see what I mean. It would’ve been unpatriotic to just leave them there. SO. Here’s what I walked out with:

I have about five instances of this distressed, wrought iron leaf design in my living room. Awesome? Weird? Regardless, I couldn’t resist this spindly legged table.
Also, I am frequently in the living room and distressed as well.
Similar wrought iron table at Wayfair: $99 (marked down from $199, you guys)
Price at Savers? $4.99
Seriously folks, I never take dressing room selfies. Never. But this dress/top thing was so cute and funky and kinda odd that I needed immediate opinions. I sent out three separate texts asking if this was indeed cute, and should I buy…?
Three separate texts came back: [EXPLETIVE] YES. (Which, very few people have uttered in my general direction since…sigh…let’s move on.)
Similar American Rag top at Macy’s: $49.50
Savers price: $4.99
Then there was this adorable and comfy sunshine yellow sweater (from Tulle Clothing) with a cowl neck and a hood for days. It’s like my own little elven robe. (Still with me?) Out of frame: a fantastic pair of Bebe skinny jeans. (Which I wore with each sweater this week.) Bonus: Three separate people complimented the elven robe. One at preschool drop off, one at the neighborhood bodega, and…my husband. Which should still technically count. I wore it later in the week to review a downright adorable little kid theatrical performance with Susannah…and it was appropriately sunny then, too.
Similar Tulle Clothing sweater on Tulle’s website: $37.50
Savers price: $2.99
The next day I was the co-op Mom for Susannah’s preschool class. Which is a whole ‘nother bottle of aspirin. But I wore the skinnies with a simply gorgeous (and softly woven) striped sweater by Pink Rose. I didn’t get a pic the day of- because OH MY GOD, WHY IS EVERYONE YELLING AND PEEING- but I recreated the look for you, complete with under eye bags.
Similar Pink Rose sweater at Macy’s: $44
Savers price: $9.99
I can’t resist sweaters with sleeve buttons, nor can I resist slices of apple pie as big as my head, so this was a surefire outfit for the apple festival we all went to on Saturday.
Paired with these Bebe skinny jeans, too! I swear I wash them every other wear!
Similar Pink Rose sweater on Amazon: $34
Bebe Decatur skinny jeans: $89
Savers prices: Pink Rose sweater $6.99/Bebe jeans $9.99
It was around this time in the roundup that I realized I had been selecting largely items from the junior’s section. I CARE NOT (MUCH).
And last Tuesday I wore this rather beautiful red striped tank from Verve with the skinnies and A STUPIDLY BEAUTIFUL PAIR OF HEELS to give my talk on the benefits of imaginary friends at a rather cool event.
Yeah, I think we’re gonna need a closer up pic of those candy apple red stilettos.
Verve top at Macy’s: $24.50
Sofft patent leather peep toes: $99
Savers prices: Verve top $5.99/Sofft shoes $12.99
Let’s go ahead now and do some mathiness to figure out that whole money thing…
Total tally of of these items, had I shopped elsewhere: $476.50
Total tally of these items because I did shop at Savers: $58.92
Total saved at Saver’s: $417.58
Totally going back there next week.
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