You’re Doing Okay, Mom. (Here’s Proof.)

Disclosure: I’m thrilled to be working with JOHNSON’S Baby and The Motherhood on this fabulous campaign- but, as you probably know by know, all thoughts and opinions are my own.


Ready for this one? Ready? (Spoiler: You are not ready for the amount of Feels you’re about to experience. If you’re me, that is. And I realize that so few of you are. But regardless. This:)

How did they know? How did JOHNSON’S know that- oh- every so often, I need someone to tell me that I’m not a complete muck-up? And even if that’s not what Jasper’s pretend-manly-monologues sound like in my head (other parents- do you do this? Say yes), it made me a tad weepy that he doesn’t blame me for leaving him in his crib while I scrape unmentionable substances from the kitchen floor. And bathroom wall. And stairwell. The idea that he (and the other two kiddos running around here) love me despite all of my doubts is pretty darned wonderful, yeah?

Here’s what’s extra wonderful: JOHNSON’S Baby CARES (the JOHNSON’s brand charitable platform) is committed to mothers and babies- and making sure that all little ones have everything they need, be it educationally, financially, or socially. Triply wonderful: for every view of that ridic video up there, JOHNSON’S Baby will donate a dollar to Save The Children (up to $50,000!) to ensure that babies worldwide get to grow up safe and smart. Helping all mothers and their little ones feel good? That’s pretty inspiring.

you're doing ok, mom

“Aside from this one specific instance, you’re doing okay, Mom.”

So to that end, I’d like to give a few “You’re Doing Okay, Mom” shoutouts to the incredible Mamas in my life:

Mom (as in mine): Deb, (I can call you Deb, right? We’ve shared enough “moments” by now, right?) you’ve done a simply bang-up job of raising the four of us [ridiculously amazing] girls. No one- to the best of my knowledge- has gone to jail, there are only a couple of tattoos amongst us, and we’re all functioning in the world. Great work! However, I’d really like to thank you for instilling a love of old movies in me (inspiring my eldest daughter’s name), showcasing beloved artists and musicians in our home (inspiring my second kiddo’s name), and instilling a fierce love of family in all of us (inspiring my son’s name). Hey! Thanks for naming my kids! (And I totally forgive you for that q-tip incident.)

Auntie Joan: Sure, you’re not my mother- but you’ve certainly cooked and cleaned and straightened out my life enough to warrant some sort of sparkly crown. And the Armenian side of our fam is beyond lucky to have you as our matriarch. (And head chef.)

Grandma Jane: Thank you for leading the whole Schoeny clan for [oh-so close to] 95 years! (And for generously lending out the “Jane” to our little NJ.)

Natalie: So, you brought the man of my dreams into the world (and raised him to be a darned extraordinary man, at that). Pretty sure there’s no card big enough for that thank you. (Also? The whole “my baby boy” thing? I get it now, I really really do.)

Kate: You’ve created four strong, silly, sensitive, brilliant, globally-aware citizens of the world. (Well, we’ll give Garrett a little more time on that last one.) Nice work. Nice, exhausting, thankless, ridiculously impressive work.

Ardell: Remember that time during freshman year when you took me to the E.R.? Thank you. Remember that time that you cooked my favorite meal, simply because I was in town for the weekend? (Hahaha, that’s a joke. There is no that time. That’s just called Ardell Was Here.)

Dorrie: Hey, here’s an idea: Why don’t you have four kids in under 4.5 years and still rock out graphic design and an insane amount of personal style? Oh wait, y’already did.

Michelle: You make having two teenagers look easy. And can I look like you when I grow up? (What is with you Schoenys?)

Katie: I wish I had half of your eco-awareness and worldliness. How lucky are the two smallest barefoot hippies at your house?

Natalie (Jr.!): How you’ve managed to successfully move your family across the country multiple times (and renovate when you got there) is a mystery to me- but it’s no mystery about how those two kidlets of yours got quite so terrific.

Annie: Your son beams sunshine and exudes love. An exceptionally happy kid whom you strive to keep that way each and every waking hour? Pretty sure in the mothering Olympics, that means you’ve already scored the gold. (Even from the Russian judge, and he hates everybody.)

Angie: It’s such a cliche, but I don’t know how you do it. Taking care of a home and family while gracefully and stoically nurturing an itty bitty super-early preemie? Share your secret, friend.

Renee: Finishing seminary whilst raising two wonderful little girls is downright impressive. That’s right, I just called you downright impressive.

Rachael: A new house! A new baby! (Soon, so soon!) You are adorable, wonderful, and pure joy to be around.

Hubbell: Talk about keeping it cool no matter what life throws at you. I love watching you with your little girl. Here’s hoping she turns out just as easygoing and together as you are. (Hint: She’s gonna.)

Liz: You’re an incredibly strong woman for what you do at your job on a daily basis. And you’re an incredibly wonderful Mama for raising Kate to be such a kind, responsible, wonderful little gal. (You win.)

Sara: I admire you oh-so much. And the fact that your son knows and respects what you do in your career means that he’ll make an exceptionally awesome husband some day. Holy moly, the flowers of gratitude you’ll someday get!

Maurya: Your kids are the coolest, they really are. And the stuff you’re teaching them- being involved in their community, the importance of family, and how awesome travel is- only cements how cool they’re gonna be as men. Kudos.

Alison: Two kids- and growing two more- and running a business and freelancing like a, well- mother- and pretty much powering the internet? Jeepers.

The whole DBA clan: There isn’t enough space on the internet to properly gush about how amazing each of you are as mothers (especially to each other). But you know that I know. And we all know what we all know, you know? (Big…hugs.)

And there’s a trillion and three more. Seriously. The mothers I’ve befriended at Nora’s school. The ones whom I consider superduperclose (and important) figures in my life- regardless of time zone. And the ladies who are still helping to raise me. You’re all doing okay, Mom. More than okay. Brilliantly, in fact. So thank you.

And great job.


Want to help even more? (And maybe even win some supra-sweet prizes?)

Join me at the JOHNSON’S Baby Twitter party on May 8th at 12p CST- and help spread the word that #YoureDoingOkayMom.


I was compensated for my work with JOHNSON’S Baby, but all thoughts, opinions, and I-Am-Not-Even-Kidding-About-That-Video-You-Guys Ugly Cry is my own. 



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