The Most Informative #tbt Ever.

In honor of it being Thursday, and in honor of #tbt being a thing that the kids like to do, may I present:

The Four Photographs Which Will Explain Me In Entirety

Let’s start with this gem, shall we?


Here I am, seated in the center of the table at someone else’s birthday party. I’m not sure if I was trying to be inclusive in this picture or if I was enjoying a “nyah nyah” moment…but goodness, that’s an expression I see on Susannah daily. OHkay. That’s where she comes from.

Scooting up about 10 years…


This is my [not really] prize-winning science fair entry of SHELLS. That’s right, SHELLS. (Getting all Bunsen burner up in here, are we not?) I cannot believe I didn’t even place. This was smack dab in the middle of my “allergic to everything” phase. Also, Lori and I were super into boldly patterned largeish sweaters. Also also, teensy tinsey sister Rachel is attempting to be in this photo.

A few cities and states later brings us to:


My very first job in the city of Chicago. I was a waiter/cocktail-slinger at a horrible “upscale” establishment whose name is an anagram of “slime.” The sad face was not for show. This was my very first day of work.

And roughly four years later…


I played Andie in The Curse of the Goonies (which, yeah, no big deal, I wrote), co-starring one P.J. Schoeny as my very own Mikey…and co-co-starring an exceptional blonde wig as Herself.

Clearly, dreams do come true.



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