Oh, I had planned to write up a detailed list of all the various places my words were being flung this week- but NO MORE. For you see, I think my “to do” list for the week would be far more entertaining to read:
Things I Had Planned To Do Before Monday Afternoon Struck:
- Do maybe four loads of laundry.
- Drive to preschool. Drive back home. Drive to preschool. Drive back home.
- Finish some articles for folks who said out loud that they would pay me.
- Order some food for Jasper’s baptism this coming weekend.
- Figure out the Tribune’s billing system. (It’s a part time job, friends.)
- Clean out some spaces for various people to stay in parts of our house this coming weekend.
- Clean some other spaces, just for funsies.
- Hang out with my three kids. Maybe wash at least one of them.
- Have my guy (everyone with a fixer-upper has at least one “guy” on speed dial) take a look at a weird thing happening with the girls’ ceiling.
Things That Ended Up Happening After Monday Afternoon Struck:
- Turns out, my guy was very, very glad I called. (And not only ’cause we’re singlehandedly cushioning his kids’ college funds.) Because the ceiling thing was a problem. Like, a big ol’ problem. Requiring rippage downage and sectioning-off and loads of construction dust for at least two days. And so that’s what we’re (they’re) now doing.
Because nothing says Preparing For A Christening And A Houseful Of People quite like exposed beams and floating insulation, ha HA!
Things That Are Keeping Me In My Happy Place:
- This Sunday, Jasper will be clad in a teensy tinesy seersucker three piece suit. Yes he will.
- I’m reviewing a show tonight at the Goodman with my darling pal Renee. (Girl date!)
- My brother-in-law Tom (and Jasper’s godfather) is flying here on Saturday (with a future connecting flight to Korea) carrying an open container of formula from my sister for Jasper Emergencies. And Tom’s only bringing a carry-on. “Sir, I see you’re continuing on to Korea from Chicago. What’s with the formula?” “Never you mind.”
- I was the recipient of an extremely flattering license renewal photo yesterday. (Post tomorrow. Because honestly.)
- Did I mention the seersucker suit?
Happy place, happy place, happy place.
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