A Roundup. And For Real, Cancer Can Suck It.

Wednesday is here and it’s awesome. (…Right?)

Okay, regardless, it is what it is and we’re here and so I’ve got a weekly recap for you.

Stuff I Wrote In The Name Of Whimsy:

Thursday was the day I publicly extolled the virtue of my friends (and relative insanity of my children).

Chicago Parent posted my piece on Friday regarding how to totally rock the Costco experience.

By the time Monday rolled around, Chicago was still in a deep freeze, and I was okay with it– from the comfort of my Snuggie.

(And there’s some other articles that, for one reason or another, haven’t yet gone to press- so guess what, friends? HAPPY NEXT WEDNESDAY IN ADVANCE!)

So now…

Stuff I’m Gonna Say Which Will Make My Dad Roll His Eyes:

Kick chemo’s ass today, Dad! Just a few more rounds until you’re right as rain and ready to drink [manly] umbrella drinks with me (and, I’m guessing, the rest of the household) for a ridiculously lengthy part of the summer.

But until then, here’s a picture of two of your adorable grandchildren.


And your favorite daughter.


Good Lord, that’s an attractive baby.

And yeah, Joe Don Baker.


So get through this round, Pop, and be soothed by these awesome images. And think about stuff like how incredibly deeply you’re loved. And how incredibly worthwhile it is to watch episodes of Mystery Science Theatre 3000.

And how incredibly precarious it is to perch a baby on a log.

(I love you, Dad.)



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