
There’s so much to be thankful for.

Even though I cannot- for the life of me- manage those daily posts about gratitude. (Perhaps it entirely defeats the purpose, but the idea of adding one more mandatory task to my to-do list fills me with twitches. Happy Thanksgiving!)

But I can manage the occasional happy-go-lucky post…and I hope [the curmudgeons amongst] you can manage to read it without eye-rollage.

Let’s begin.

I am so grateful for my friends; here in Chicago, in farflung locales (what’s up, Malaysia), on my beloved East Coast, all over the whole darned place. It’s nice to have a network of wonderful people whom- regardless of when/how often you converse- are there to celebrate your babies, tell you how awesome you are, and that the things going wrong are nevereverever your fault.

This town fills me with joy. I’m so lucky to live in a place so rich with culture, the arts, and ridiculous places to eat. Seriously, the toughest part is finding a sitter. (And, uh, paying for a sitter.) But having to make decisions between theatre and tastings and supra-fun events with friends is just the nicest. (Remind me of this while I go into self-imposed baby hibernation until March, yeah?)

My husband is a really great guy. He constantly surprises me with creative date nights…and also facilitates evenings like last night, where he gave me a massage while we watched Iron Man 3. (And then he made me taquitos at midnight.) You know how people talk about how someone’s still the same boy they fell in love with? Well, P.J. is even better than the boy I used to date. He’s now The Man Who Makes Me Midnight Taquitos And Lets Me Sleep In On The Weekends.

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For real. These two.

And I’m thankful for my kids- two current and one future- for making me feel not at all crazy with the stuff I’m good at and love to do with my days: dressing up, eating weird combinations of food at odd times, watching kids’ movies from the early ’80s, and making collages with puffy stickers. Having children makes me sound like a whimsically creative person when I indulge in these activities (and not completely insane). And I appreciate that.

Happy Thursday, friends. It’s almost the weekend.

And I’m thankful for that, too.



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