Visa Prepaid Cards From (& A Chat With 2003 Keely).

When I first moved to Chicago (…a few years back), I had a heck of a time getting a “real” bank account- i.e., one without a gazillion fees- or a credit card that didn’t charge me 33 percent APR. I am not making up that number, people.

I would have done anything to have the new prepaid Visa debit card– which I recently got to try out- and I’d love to tell you (and Newbie Keely) what I dig about it:


-It’s free to order, activate, and load (direct deposit is free, too)!

-There are no overdraft fees, because it never goes negative (hear that, circa 2003 Keely?)

-No credit checks, interest or APRs (…still listening, 2003 Keely?)

-22,000 in-network ATMs…(super helpful for those 1am tacos. For instance.)

-There’s a free app, and you can check your balance on any smart phone (this part does not apply to you, 2003 Keely. You’d be the one batting an “app” to the ground and wondering where your jetpack was).

It’s not a gift card- think of it as a much cooler bank-issued debit card. Free for the first 30 days, there’s a 5.95 monthly fee for the card- which is waived when $800 is direct-deposited over 30 days. But guess what that’s still cheaper than? You got it: bank overdrafts and credit card fees.

And here’s my absolute favorite part: you know how most credit and bank cards only give you a few options for personalization? And they’re all the same three images you see all over the place? (And try as you might, you rarely identify with an oversized, yellow cartoon parakeet?) Well, the new prepaid Visa debit card has a ridiculous amount of supra-cool options: Where’s Waldo, Shark Week, Breast Cancer Research, Betty Paige, and Autism Awareness, just to name a miniscule few. You will have a serious blast picking out your card. Check it out and see for yourself.

Hey, don’t believe me? Ask my shiny new debit card. (Nancy Drew forever!)


2003 Keely (not to mention 1993 Keely) would more than approve.



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