So, even though we moved Zu up to Nora’s room in August, the rest of her belongings (and wall art) finally made the trek upstairs this past weekend. Everyone was happy. Namely me, because Susannah doesn’t really let too much faze her.
Here’s a few pix of the finished Big Girls’ Room, which is something I like to call Carnival Chic, or Mom Has Nostalgia, or Gosh- Those Kids Have A Lot Of Things:

Currently very clean. Don’t be fooled. We’re just one upended pony basket and discarded outfit away from mayhem.

Zu’s corner. The green doll used to be mine. Also- you’ll note we’ve been gifted a LOT of pretty crosses for the girls. I swear we’re not fanatical.

Nora’s corner. My Mom hand painted these letters for the kiddos. (She also did the boy name for each gender-unknown baby. Maybe this time, Mom!)

The reading corner. Suzy just got this little green chair for her birthday- NOT a rocker like Nora’s, because she doesn’t need the propulsion help. The dolls were mostly mine- the gorilla was P.J.’s.

One girl collects sock monkeys, the other piggy banks. Boom. Like peanut butter and jelly. Mork and Mindy. Tutus and winter boots.
I’m pretty thrilled with how nicely the room came together for them. Only problem? The girls want to come back in.
And they cannot.
It’s currently too clean.
Sorry, girls.
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