Bloggy Boot Camp And My Email Addiction. (Unrelated.)

At BBC Chicago with the adorbs Denise from According To Denise.

Nora has informed me that I can no longer attend “meetings.” To her, a “meeting” entails “leaving the house.” “Taking a daytime shower.” “Wearing mascara and/or a non-hoodie.” (Seems like a “meeting” or two is kind of a welcome change around here.)

This past weekend’s meeting was actually the famed Bloggy Boot Camp (in Chicago!), held by the awesomesauce SITS Girls. (You know, the folks who’ve taken me on as a Community Lead/Forum Gal and who generally allow me to hang around their savvitude like a privileged kid sister? Them.)

Without going into too much technical detail regarding the whom/what/where/why of how badly anyone  involved in social media needs this company’s ABCs (because, you know, it’s worth getting your own ticket for BBC ’13)…I will tell you that the Friday through Saturday evening conference gave me some new rules of how to balance stuff. Like writing deadlines, spending time doing the things you actually wanna blog about, and not losing eleventy million billable hours to Twitter. (And Pinterest. And Instagram. And and and.) It also inspired me to take a hard look my own bad habits, interwebs-wise.

For starters, as of today I’m only checking my email hourly. Like on the hour. Which, admittedly, still seems like a stupid-crazy amount of time being accessible.

I mean, I’m not a medic.

But baby steps, right? Wish me luck. (But only expect a reply on the hour.)

At this “meeting,” I also met up with some fantastic online friends (and stellar bloggers) as well as folks over whom I basically fawn. (Aside: It doesn’t take much to make me fawn. Exceptional writing skills, a genuinely cool personality and the ability to make a comfy living on the internet will usually do.)

It made me want to be better at all of this.

It made me want to redefine “this” to include all of the things that inspire [and/or pay] me, and exclude anything eyeball-numbing and heart-crushing. (And other negative hyphenated things.)

And it really made me want to look like the kind of person who regularly attends “meetings.”

At least in terms of showering and makeup.



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