My youngest sister is in town!
Em and her boyfriend Dan have been here since Tuesday night. It’s part visit, part graduation trip for Dan, and part Nora seeing the people that go with the faces in her picture book. (Win/win/win.)
It’s pretty fun having people from out of town- especially if said people are sisterish types- because it allows me the chance to do something for which I so rarely find the time: be a tourist.
Yesterday we spent the afternoon at Montrose Beach. It was Nora’s first real time at any of the city beaches (not counting our completely overprotective windswept panic fests of her early youth) and she completely dug it. With a plastic cup, even. Emily and Dan lucked out with the weather; at 100 degrees (by the lake!), the scorching sun actually made the frigid water a refreshing swim. It was crowded but not crazy, and we had a pretty sweet perch right by the water…where I could easily convince Nora that all of the passing balloon and cotton candy sellers were showing fun things to wave at. (I love this age.) We picnicked (and ate more than a little sand), went swimming (to wash off a goodly bit of the face sand), and chilled on our towels, where some of us determinedly crayoned despite the melted wax mixing with sand.
We drove home wearing swimsuits, completely wind tousled, sun baked, and boiling hot, and each of us took our second (chilly) shower of the day. Okay, one of us took a bath. And then most of us napped. (Seriously, who’s on vacation, here?)
Dan and Em have a pretty full dance card of stuff to see and do this week- some of the museums are even free for the next few days- and N.J. and I are going to try to get in on as much Chicago action as we can. Later today the gals and I are joining them for corn dogs and cheddar curly fries at Navy Pier (okay, maybe that was MY suggestion), and tonight is Dan’s requested din of deep dish at Gino’s East. (Nora will LOVE that drawing one’s signature on the walls is not only acceptable behavior, but in fact encouraged.)
The stormy skies of the next few days will most likely not be a deterrent for them. After all, they’re in their twenties. For seriously. (My thirties friends are nodding.)
I’m sure we’ll still manage to squeeze in some more backyard barbecues and beers [for everyone else, sigh] under positively balmy nighttime skies. More day trips to some of Chicago’s most fabulous neighborhoods. And plenty more iconic food.
You know, the stuff that makes living here worthwhile?
And I will leave you with this last little glimpse into what life in Chicago is all about…
…my daughter yelling (and bossing) at the waves for more! More! More!
I love summer.
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