Intensive porpoises.

[Note: This posting was, for all intents and purposes, ready to go this a.m. However, apparently I wasn’t. Really, all I had to do was do a li’l spell check, edit some late night phrases that don’t do so well in the light of day (and vice versa) and hit ‘publish post.’
Yup. Couldn’t even manage that. 
To be fair, I was awfully busy ruining my daughter’s life and stranding a three year-old in the line for preschool pickup. One super sick baby (she got the illness lovingly passed on by a good half of her party guests) in addition to one semi-sick three year old, and throw in a seven year-old outta school due to a teachers’ conference. Add in a stalled recycling truck outside of two schools with simultaneous pickup times…and oh, let’s just pretend that the non-sleeping baby didn’t care to be stopped in traffic (with or without garbage truck fumes) and, just for fun, let’s say that the middle kiddo felt thoroughly abandoned after a ten minute wait…and the littlest one decided to get her only nappin’ of the day in whilst car bound. 
That leaves about three hours of unfulfilled nappage and 9.5 hours of fulfilled crabbage (that’s a combo crab/cabbage/cribbage)- but plenty of opportunity for five cups of caffeine. 
The day might’ve been destined for crabbagetude, however, since I woke up from a nightmare that seemed about eight years long. In a nutshell, the dream took place on my wedding day. Sans P.J. or any actual items or locations of that day. Especially without Peej- because he had stood me up on the altar. All I remember was being very sad, and then, when I woke up, being very mad at P.J. (He hates when these things happen. Awake P.J. and Dream P.J. need to have some words.) 
So. Yes. Lack of bloggin’ for the day. Amended. With apologies for the late hour.]
Previously Penned Posting o’ Prose and Puns:
This was, quite obviously, a good time o’ year to be born’d. I don’t think I had realized just how many pals were Scorpios in addition to my husband, daughter, sister and Mom. 
Lots of passionate, deep thinkin’ arguers. 
I didn’t exactly need the zodiac to tell me that.
And a happy birthday week to my big sis Kate. She’s awesome. Awesomer than me, in fact. Here’s why: she had her first kid on my birthday. (06.06.06- and I turned 26. Neato/frightening!) I could not manage the same, despite an original due date a mere day before her birthday. (11.04.09. Kate’s is the 5th. Nora was delivered on the 29th of October. Darn you, modern medicine!) 
So there’s that. There’s also the fact that she’s a computer whiz, soccer star and baking genius (seriously- ask her to make you a banana cake. On second thought, don’t. It’s for me.)
If only I had enough floss, I’d string up a pulley/basket contraption- like the kind that used to hang between our bedroom doors- and send a secret birthday message as big as the Midwest. In fact, maybe I’d send myself in the basket and save on airfare. Or…or…I could send others and charge for it! Then I could see her whenever I wanted!
Birthday magic. Brilliant.
Some other little-known tidbits and magical facts about this week:
1) Despite having mopped the floors and both staircases repeatedly over the last few days, there are miniature cat hair tumbleweeds rollin’ on by…and rollin’ on over random sticky spots near the fridge. I’m gonna go ahead and presume that they’re made of juice. Also, I’m gonna go ahead and guess that this all is the work of one thing and one thing only- a ghost. 
2) I am getting a new laptop delivered any time between right this very second and tomorrow in an hour to be determined…and oh, it will be determined. Because my nose will be pressed against the window until the very second it arrives, prompting my daughter to wonder why she’s being neglected and I will tell her that MOMMY IS GETTING A NEW COMPUTER. Drink your juice. But not by the fridg- oh well. 
3) This new computer is teeeeeensy…and yes, it already has a name. 
4) And a customized skin. Like the 13 year-old girl that I am. 
5) My bloodstream is comprised of 79% sugar. And not even the fructose kind. Like, straight up candy corn and brownies and caramel apples and cupcakes and Kit Kats. I find that this affects things like “energy,” “sleep,” and “mood.” This has not slowed me down in the least.
6) And many, many of my friends have seen this already…but P.J. and I are exceedingly proud of the following 12 second clip:
…Because it means that our darlin’ girl has put the ‘fun’ in FUNCTIONAL. 
Anagram: ANTIC FLU NO.
A.K.A.: Keely, go to bed.      



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