Turkish appetizers and Mexican helado- must be the 4th!

As I sit here typing, I can hear my daughter’s rageful meows from the room directly above me. (Seriously, she sounds like the cats. I think they have a thing going on where they decided if they all sound alike, then we’ll come running all the time. I don’t quite get this logic, but then again- I’m neither an 8 month old human nor a 6 year old cat.)

She had decided she was too tired to even hold up her head during breakfast- resulting in a Greek yogurt and plum facial- and scattered pieces of croissant and random Cheerios to the wind as we freed her from her highchair. Maybe we looked bored. Perhaps the idea of us sitting with mugs in chairs depressed her- there are no toys, no bits of food on our faces, we aren’t even singing. So here, she says. Here’s something to pick up. And a finger’s worth of yogurt for your nostril.

Do you know what would happen if someone made me Greek yogurt with any kind of fruit in it? (Keeping in mind that this yogurt was purchased without a coupon. WITHOUT.) And a warmed croissant? Why, I’d sit there and eat it. Happily. And when someone placed me in a cool, darkened room with several of my favorite items scattered about- I’d sleep for about three weeks.

Then again, if you placed me on a folding chair- in broad daylight- smack dab in the center of Michigan Avenue…I’d sleep for about three weeks.

So. Nora Jane, you’ll just hafta deal with this sudden burst of Vaudeville-like energy that causes you to dance around your crib for your One Woman [Two Otter/One Frog] Show…because, sister, it’s Monday morning. And your Mama blogs on Monday mornings. While you nap. So- you need to nap because no one is gonna- oh. And…your Dad just went and got you. God bless holidays.

Last night was a slight deviation from the norm, to say the very least. People in my neighborhood love loud things. And explosives. And holidays- Albany Park digs a good holiday. And- it being the Fourth and all- our street was the most explosively loud [and festive!] I’d ever seen it. All of the nearby parks had their own fireworks displays. Pyrotechnic amateurs were setting things off in the streets and alleys as early as 4pm- on Friday. So we expected last night to be Crazyville LeShadduptown.

And it was.

We took Nora out into the backyard after her extremely patriotic dinner of hummus, Spinach pies, lamajoon (and, oddly enough, peas) to see some of the neighborhood displays. A few bright lights made it over the tops of the Walgreens wall [for those of you whom have not seen my current abode, the entire block from Kedzie to Cullom is the back of a mammoth Walgreens. It’s a gigantic, nondescript, tan wall that- if one squints hard enough- one can pretend it walls in one’s villa] and the copper dome of Our Lady of Mercy, respectively. Nora was impressed, but way more stoked to be in the backyard at dusk.

We decided to put her to bed. [Hah! Yes. Here, Nora, in your young life you’ve never known it to be louder than it currently is, but…sleep tight.] However, when we got upstairs, we realized that her bedroom had an unobstructed view of at least four fireworks shows. OVER the Walgreens wall! (All this, Nora…all this will someday be yours…)

So we watched. From the relatively insulated safety of her nursery, she could really enjoy the bright colors without all those nasty sonic booms. Peej and I were high-fiving. Seriously. Next year? Come watch the ‘works from Nora’s room.

That said, bedtime was pushed back- oh, about four hours- until we lamely realized that it was a) too hot and b) too loud for normal bedtime-goin’. We all slept downstairs. Nora looked at us like we were crazy for putting her in her Pack n’ Play but slept through the night nonetheless.

Happy Fourth.

And tonight we’re extremely excited to be going to the wedding of two darling friends. P.J. is actually performing the ceremony- and he and I both helped to edit the vows- and it promises to be a lovely affair with, among other things, decadent cake. (I’ve seen pictures.)


One last obnoxious plug for self-promotion- I promise I won’t be flooding your blogosphere with any more of this for, oh, about four months. Today at roughly 2:15pm the site for Top Mommy Blogs is having a GINORMOUS RESET. That means that allll of those folks with 8 million votes are coming back down to ZERO. And me? Well, I hope to skyrocket up to crazy fame and acclaim and a stickball game.

Here’s how you can help. Go here anytime after 2ish today. (If you still see people with zillions of votes on the front page, it’s too early. No worries. You can either come back later or tomorrow or whenever you have that thought of “Oh my goodness, I just love her. How can I let her know?” ) All it takes is one click to get there, one click to vote. No email, no sign-ups, no pressure to call me later in the week.

Why, you may ask? Well, here’s the thing. As cool as the “ads” thing is, I’ve been turning down a few lately from various companies. As funny as it is, I just cannot pepper this blog with reviews for products that- do things…to various body parts. Cannot. (Sure, I can post about the Schick Trimstyle to my heart’s content- but as I’m not getting even the slightest bit of compensation from them…I don’t feel dirty. Overmuch.) That said, if I made it into the top handful of blogs on the TMB site- who knows what could happen? A broader audience, for one. Legitimate advertising, for two. And from there? Perhaps a book deal, a national tour, six figure salary- or, at the very least, coupons for a free Frosty.

I’ll share.

I’m not above bribing my readers.

Which may lower that ol’ six figure salary to about five.

Plus a free Frosty.



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