Demitasse cups, mythical beasts and utter pain.

Last night we walked around the neighborhood on a “Let’s Try Not to Binge Tonight” night. We started out walking a block and a half from our apartment to Que Rico [!] and succeeded in not getting nachos and margaritas on the patio. Took a left onto Roscoe and valiantly did not order any Turkish appetizers at Turquoise (although it’s a minor personal coup that the nice German-Irish boy I live with has added “Let’s just get some lamajoon for dinner” into his vernacular.) Walked past Victory’s Banner (that was easy, as it was closed since 3pm. But oh my gosh, strawberry shortcake pancakes) as well as Kaze (best spicy tuna roll and a carrot king crab demitasse cup thing that will make a man weep- I’ve seen it) and down past Mario and Gino’s for NO coconut gelato, right by Orange and Kitsch’n for late night brunch and cleverly named entrees that I would not be partaking in. Around this point we ran into a couple of friends who were on their way to Robey’s pizza- we walked them there and CONTINUED on our way. (At this point I could have eaten the grass poking through the sidewalk but we persevered.) As we made our way home we rewarded ourselves on our willpower by ogling homes for sale entirely out of our price range. This leads me to believe that not only are there too many restaurants in Roscoe Village, but they’re abutted by entirely too many multi-million dollar homes as well. Still, I can’t imagine living anywhere else.

(I am STARVING right now.)

Today I was with my five year old gal and her baby sis. As the bitsy was taking a nap, the older girl and I did our toenails and talked about our favorite animals. She asked what mine were and I answered ponies, cats, bunnies, dragons… She informed me that dragons weren’t an animal. I held my breath. Was fantasyland over so early? Could the Tooth Fairy be far behind? Santa Claus, the Great Pumpkin? Nope, she said. Dragons…are reptiles. They’re not even mammals.


I also taught her how to do sudoku this afternoon. So easy, she said! All you need to know is your vertical, horizontal, squares and numbers one through nine! It’s like playing tic tac toe with nine players! (I realize that I have a limited amount of information left to truly impart to her. It might take another year, two tops.)

Also today I had the immense awesomeness of breaking a pinky toe. The kids and I were playing on the back patio with the hose on the mist setting, trying to reveal shy rainbows in the atmosphere, laughing, dancing, ha hah! My foot caught the side of a HEAVY chair and was wrenched to the side, only to have the toppling chair come down hard on the pinky toe. It bled. It swole. Are you bleeding? Are you crying? 5-year old asked. Would you like some water? Next thing I know I was being lovingly misted with the hose amidst cries of “Can we make peanut butter and jelly?”

Eventually I made it home and was convinced by P.J. to poke the [GROSS ALERT] mammoth blood bubble with a sterilized needle as it was the size of a small emu. Which is still large enough. It hurt a fair piece but I was told I was very brave. (Repeatedly, as it took a few jabs to relieve the crazy pressure.)

She’s resting comfortably, folks, with a good-sized grapefruit and vodka (a greyhound!!) to lull her into a bloggy complacency.

As my two year old does when I tell him to rest his eyes, I’m pressing the palms of my hands into my eyeballs and holding my breath. Goodnight.



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