“Mom, you’ve been using that word a lot lately,” Suzy told me. And she was right. Without even noticing how often I had been uttering that verb, I had decided to “recalibrate” holiday plans (due to extended fam illness) and “recalibrate” how and when we went about our Must Do traditions. I recalibrated how much food I really had to cook, and recalibrated how little I could get away doing before I descended into a pile of anxious lists and {Read More}
Change…is hard.
Change. …is hard. That could be the whole dang post right there, couldn’t it? CHANGE IS HARD. (It won’t be, however, because “concise” is not my “thing.”) Sometimes- as the case was this past winter- the name of the game was Stillness. Mandatory, forced, if-you-don’t-stop-this-junk-and-stay-still-your-brain-will-break Stillness. At first it was incredibly difficult and felt more like stagnation than a resting period. (Then I got over that real real quick and took daily naps and read entire mystery series and had {Read More}
Writing. Or, why I bother.
I’ve missed writing. I’ve missed writing a brain-splat of wordy words and half-formed feelings and one-liners that, really, don’t fit quite right anywhere else. Slices of life and sweet, tiny little memories I panic about forgetting (like, “2am, covered in sweat” panicking), and the sort of written proof that I was here and most decidedly more than a chauffeur or shoe-finder in this season of life. Which is why I’m writing again in this space. Which is also why I’m {Read More}
10 years of Lollygag Blog. (Fairly bonkers ones, at that.)
10 years. Oh, friends. This is an absolutely crazy post to, well, post. On Monday? Lollygag Blog is 10 years old. TEN! For those of you with whom I’ve only chatted/covered rando events/foisted my children upon…I was not always the minivan-rollin’ 38 year-old on the other side of this screen, oh no. (And yep, I’m a newly minted 38 year-old! In case you missed the treetop announcements yesterday. I’m awfully bad at not proclaiming my birthday like a be-crowned preschooler.) {Read More}
Bullet journaling & failing miserably & you! (Me.)
It seems like everyone and their whole ‘Whole 30’ crew are bullet journaling. But to the uninitiated, the concept of the BuJo (kill me now) can be overwhelming. So I offer up to you, dear friends, a peek inside a page of my very own bullet journal…on a blog. (And yes, many people like to keep the list all jumbled together with different methods of annotating them, but I generally like to keep separate categories for my musings. I think {Read More}
9 ways you know you work from home
In a completely unscientific, alarmingly biased poll (which I asked myself and nobody else), here are… 9 Ways You Know You Work From Home (a true story) The concept of “office” has all been obliterated. This is great! Unfortunately, the concept of “desk” and “delineated work spaces” isn’t always held as sacred. Sometimes this means working on the floor. Of your car. In the garage. (While the Frozen soundtrack is blasting.) Sure, your old coworkers had their quirks, but the {Read More}