The last time I was onstage, it was the summer of 2008. I was a newlywed- playing a newlywed during the zombie apocalypse- who got to star opposite my very real and (thankfully zombie-unafflicted) husband. And it was a great show. After performances, P.J. and I would wipe the drool off of each other and ride our bikes from the theater to the Dairy Queen, stick around the theater and have a chelada beer, or do whatever else we wanted {Read More}
My New, Brilliant Diet.
On Monday, I decided to embark on a brand new diet. Ever since Jasper was born three months ago, I’ve felt a little…not great. First there were all the Christmas goodies…then New Year’s goodies…then yeah, it’s the middle of January goodies…then that whole sale on chocolate hearts as big as your face (yes, I held one up to my face before consuming it)…then, before I knew it, the first vestiges of spring and warmth came around. And that’s when I realized {Read More}
A Round Up. And It’s Kinda Spring.
And hey pals, good news: For all of you Chicagoans with tweens who didn’t win the Adventure Stage Chicago tix to see SPARK: Chapter One of the Prometheus Project…you can still see the show on the cheap! Simply call 773.342.4141 or order tickets online at and enter the code LOLLYGAG for 20% off! (Occasionally I come in handy. For a very specific demographic.) Now- onward to your required reading for the day. It Ain’t Buzzfeed But It Passes The {Read More}
Rest In Peace.
Early Sunday morning, the world dimmed a bit. It became a touch quieter, a little less celebratory, and forever changed for those who knew and loved my Uncle Felix. He lost his battle with cancer yesterday. But even that sounds wrong- saying it was a battle- because it wasn’t. It was an ambush. An unprovoked hostile attack against a brave man who said, You know what? Forget* you, cancer, I’m not going to spend what time I have left hooked up {Read More}
Nora’s First Field Trip, a.k.a. Here’s Why I Cried Yesterday.
Yesterday morning, Nora went on her very first field trip. And I kinda had a thing about it. It wasn’t so much the “field” part of the equation (because she’d been seeing shows at that particular theater for years), but the “trip” part? Yeah, that’s the bit that kicked me in the Feels. Nora and I have quite a lengthy history- nearly 4.5 years, in fact- of being borderline inseparable. As my papoose while I nannied other kiddos for the {Read More}
My Dad Kicks Chemo In The Teeth.
Pals, today we’re gonna forget that whole Wednesday RoundUp nonsense- because this very day marks the 12th round of chemo for my Dad in this session (24 rounds in all!), and that warrants a little Let’s Talk About My Dad-itude. (“Oh boy,” I can hear him saying. “Can you? Can you please really talk about me some more in public?”) It’s no secret that my Dad has influenced the majority of my musical tastes (although he might strongly attempt to {Read More}
My Sis Does A Chicago FlyBy.
My youngest sister Emma came for a visit this past weekend; an all-too-short trip wherein I think we spent roughly eleven hours eating. Here are some highlights (of the trip, not the food): -Having my daughters crawl all over Em for 48 hours, thinking that everything she touches and says and does is actual, frameable art. (P.J. and I decided that Emily = Nanny-Era Keely, in terms of ability to be fun and awesome with children. This did not make me {Read More}
Three Months Old. Time For Some Truth Bombs.
Dear Jasper, Yesterday, you turned three months of age. You and I have officially concluded what some folks like to call the 4th trimester. (Since I’ve always been rotten at math, I’m totally cool with that erroneous vernacular.) It’s appropriate, too, that around the age you’ve biologically been deemed fit to come out of the cocoon of my embrace (just the teensiest bit), Mother Nature has also given the (sort of) okay for the weather to ease up- which allows {Read More}