For Lent this year, I gave up excessive social media and internet time. In all honesty, I think I had been looking for a bit of an online detox, and since Lent is generally encouraged to be a season of self-reflection and sacrifice, the added layer of piety made it even more appealing. Besides, when you tell people you’re going to quit social media, they look at you like you’re embarking on something really, really cool. (So much for piety.) {Read More}
I tried to quit social media for Lent. It’s…a work in progress.
Being present (and ditching the phone again)

Sometimes the universe helps me to be more present with my children. Sometimes it manifests in the form of things I’ve already signed on to do. Like, volunteering in my youngest’s preschool. Now, we go to a co-op for many reasons; it’s a wonderful family environment, my closest friends are in that community, it’s ridic cheap… But part n’ parcel with that lower cost comes the expectation that families will volunteer at least once a month. For the whole class. {Read More}
Groundhog’s Day, a.k.a. social media balance

Today is Groundhog’s Day. Don’t you wish it were like the movie Groundhog’s Day, where the most important thing in the world was to change up your particularĀ plot line, a la the film Groundhog’s Day? Don’t you wish that all you had to worry about in the world was finding time to sit down and watch Bill Murray in Groundhog’s Day? Yeah, me too. Oh, friends. Someday soon my brain will allow me to craft elaborate narratives again, instead of {Read More}