Wait, WHAT’S Been A Year?

Susannah Mae- One Year Old.Also, Apple Juice Thief. My Little Little is a year old today. The Monkey, the Buttercup, the Sunbeam- all her. All one year old. Over the past year, I’ve waxed poetic about how wonderful an addition to our family she is, how much she’s changed me as a person, and how thrilling it is to have created siblings. So I was wracking my brain a li’l bit to choose how to best regale her on this {Read More}

One Year Ago Today…

…This was me. I was just about as pregnant as this lady is physically allowed to get…and you can tell. Not only by the watermelon protruding from my abdominal cavity, but also by the look in my eyes. Even through dark sunglasses, you can tell that this is a woman Who. Is. Done.  I had been [erroneously, I think] diagnosed with gestational diabetes. (By one point! The Russian judge was unimpressed.) I was Done with eating sugarless “treats.” I was {Read More}

When Did Monday Become "Photo Essay" Day?

It’s now officially Fall, so this weekend was mandatory Drive Your Kids Across State Lines For Apple Pickin’ Day (Observed). We went to a super sweet orchard in Hobart, Indiana, and had a great time- even though there weren’t any actual “apples” on the “trees.” Due to the awful growing season, they had to think outside the box. Er, branch.  So they rigged- I kid you not- gutters between the trees and filled them with apples from all over the {Read More}

Keely And The Terrible, Horrible…Oh, I Give Up.

A very old pic, but an all-too-recent sentiment. Put quite simply, Tuesday was a rough day. It started out well enough. Nora was dropped off at preschool, happily tossed Doc Bullfrog into the backseat of the car, and bounded into her classroom with nary a fuss. ‘Cause she loves it there. Which is great, because I had worried [slightly]. I drove home to get Susannah ready for a nap, glowing with the self-satisfaction that comes from knowing you’ve made the {Read More}

Fall Is For Dressing Like A Cowgirl.

I’m feeling awfully autumnal today (in the crunchy leaf/hot spiced cider kinda way, not the Phase Of Life way- please don’t feel the need to send seasonal affective disorder lamps), so I’m posting one of my favorite childhood pix.  Every Fall, my family would go to the Cummington Fair with some family friends- it was the countriest of fairs. I adored every second of it. That’s me, by the way, in the Texas Tuxedo. That was the rule (to which my older {Read More}

Cincinnati In REALLY Short Spurts.

Due to my jaw-dropping new levels of lazitude, I’m feelin’ more like posting a few of my favorite pix from this past weekend (as opposed to blathering on for a thousand words) AND haven’t had a chance to watermark any of these photos, either. So, if you’re like the one person who keeps trying to steal these images…do me a solid today and leave ’em alone, yeah?  Without further ado (oh, who am I kidding- there’s always “ado” for days around {Read More}

I’m Worse Than Honey Boo-Boo’s Mom.

Oh sure, now you’re smiling. I’m ready to pick up my Mother Of The Year badge now. (And sash. There used to be a sash, right? I haven’t won for a while.) The other day, Susannah’s agent called. (Just let that one sink in for a sec. I worked my butt off for years to secure a commercial agent…only to have him go to prison for embezzlement just after my first commercial aired…but that’s currently neither here nor there. My point is {Read More}

What A Charming Little Hoarder.

And now, a smattering of the kitchen cabinets that are abysmally disorganized and full of weird junk. (Don’t worry, I’m purging the oddities as I go. I’m not just, like, hoarding and cataloging. Much.) Here’s first of three cabinets which house our seltzer. THREE. Ain’t no one needs that much seltzer. And there are so many random boxes of stuff all shoved in here- this, our narrowest cabinet- that the box of stretch fruit got compromised. Poor stretch fruit. And ah yes, {Read More}