Wearin’ our buttons for Pop! Socks, no. Buttons, yes. So maybe I missed the boat on the whole pre-Thanksgiving Giving Thanks thing…but I’ve compiled a nice little list of stuff that makes me exceptionally cheerful today. 5) My Dad is officially Dave: Unplugged. (From the wires and IVs and pokey things that make it hard to sleep.) Even though he’s still in the hospital, he’s now Mobile[ish]
That Dave. What A Charmer.
This adorable urchin… Turned into this urban cowboy… Who then turned into the guy who’s gonna be so thrilled that I keep posting pix of him on the interwebz. (And who’s gonna just have to get better soon and ground me, himself.)
The One For My Dad.
This post isn’t snarky, silly, or sarcastic. No memes. No misheard lyrics or whimsical pictures of my kids being childlike. And not even one reference to my cats. This is a post for my Dad. Put quite simply, he’s my hero. He gave me the first Boston album I ever owned (Third Stage), drove with me to the drugstore after my first period, and took me to see Etta James in concert after a
Today, I am thankful for so many things. My adorable (and adoring) husband. My hilarious (and edible) children. A job I love that [sometimes] pays. A job I love that never pays (but one which I want to keep doing until the cows come home). My sister and her husband and my sister and her boyfriend and my sister. (I realize that this sounds like a lot of men for one sister.) My nephews. Extended
Thanksgiving Party, Part 1.
The aunts and uncles are arriving! And they have boundless energy! Pops are always good for a story. When all else fails, put on a movie and someonewill most likely toss a blanket on you.
Over The River And Through The Woods…
We could’ve saved a ton on beds. Early Saturday morning, the four of us took off for my folks’ house in Massachusetts, a roughly seventeen hour drive. (Because a 2k pricetag to voluntarily drag my kids through holiday week airports didn’t quite compute.) My brain, spine, and eyeballs have yet to fully recover (from things like stopping three times in the first two hours)…so for now,
I’m Not Lazy, I’m REMINISCING.
I’m feeling awfully throw-backy today. Who wants to check in with me and see what- exactly- we were doing four years ago this very week? (All of you? Awesomesauce.) *** Art Imitates Life. And Sometimes Other Art. Originally Posted November 19th, 2008 Is it really Wednesday? Time does fly, especially when you’ve set an I’ve Got Health Insurance, Perhaps I Should See Some Doctors month.
Are Schools Ranked By Charm?
Nora happens to attend the world’s cutest school. Sure, it’s academically awesome and socially superb and all that… …But it’s also really, really cute. Every single one of these kiddos- adorable. I’m not biased in the slightest. Kids in the hall. (It’s the quiet ones you’ve gotta watch out for.) Pretty sure she digs it here.