Babbabox Makes Me A Funner Mom.

Have you guys seen (or been lucky enough to receive) a Babbabox? These things are awesome- and awesome gifts. I’m not sure who had more fun opening our Babbabox; me (because of the beautifully layered and ribboned items) or the girls (who just spied an impossible amount of exciting stuff). The theme this month was Sun, Moon and Stars, and each item in the kit was tailored towards projects,

Nora And Susannah Review “Just Dance Disney Party” And Keely Needs A Nap.

Thank you to Ubisoft for sponsoring this post. Please click here to learn more about Ubisoft. I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective. #UbiChamps *** My gals really like to dance. So far, their type of movement is in no real danger of being classified as actual “dancing.” Nevertheless, they do it as only the Wee Set can: with wild abandon. (I’ve been taking notes.) Nora was beyond thrilled to help me review the new Just Dance Disney {Read More}

Crummy Crumbies.

…And then there are the days when you realize that you are actually too tired for coffee. Like, too tired to make yourself another cup, too tired to consume it, and too tired to acknowledge the caffeine (which, let’s be honest, would be like putting out a forest fire with a squirt gun). So you have another cup of coffee. And you sit on the floor while drinking it because- again- you’re on borrowed energy, here. And you look at {Read More}

We’ve Traveled So Far- Like, Really Far.

Pretty normal, right? This is the nativity set that my sister gave me. It’s quite nice. It’s also slightly supernatural. BECAUSE. Every time I set it up with everyone facing baby Jesus (which generally only happens once in a season- I’m rarely in there playing with them and talking for each guy like miniature Weebles)… every time I set it up and leave the room… I come back to find this

So I Can Be Green Without Cleaning My Home?

I try so hard to be “green.” (Does the fact that I put it in quotes mean I’m not trying quite hard enough?) No harsh chemicals. Nothing that will cause my kiddos to break out in hives or sprout a second head. I mean, sometimes I opt to forgo all bad ingredients altogether and nix the cleaning of the floor for the day [week]. (Hard to get much greener than that.) And using biodegradable,

Trees And Panic And Church. And Drinking.

“I have no idea what’s happening!”- Suzy I’ve been feeling very behind, rather frantic, and Not. In. The. Holiday. Spirit. At. All. And as ads (and Facebook) have been reminding me…there’s only a few short weeks left to get it all done. And this made me panic. Until I realized that it’s December 3rd. THIRD. Not twenty-third. This is actually the official start to the Christmas season.

Beso Thinks I Know Stuff.

As we all know by now, I enjoy pretty things. (We do all know that by now, yeah?) And I know some awesome-looking people who get awesome-looking because they know how to put things like pants and coats and shoes and bling together to look polished and fabulous. It’s a specific skill set. Says the girl in a hoodie with banana in her hair. But we [I] try. We [I] really do. And Beso

Tophatter, The Site Where Keely Just Burned Eight Hours.

I love my treasures. I love a good bargain. And I love to win. So when I was asked to check out Tophatter, the new virtual bidding marketplace, it really didn’t take that long to convince me. After creating my avatar (red dress/indeterminate brown hair= spot on), I hung out in the bazaar to watch people bid. With the appearance of each newcomer, the room became crowded with avatars and bidding