I’m Sorry, WHAT Was A Weekend?

What do you mean, you need to “shower?” On Friday night, Nora threw up. (Alllll over P.J.) And as we cleaned her- and the kitchen, and the tub, and ourselves- up, I wondered…was this what Friday night had become? Two consecutive Friday nights with undigested pasta, boiling hot faces, and people screaming every two hours… This is the worst discotheque I’ve ever attended. Saturday brought

Christmas Makes Us Crazy, Part 29.

Helping! So here’s a thing. Over this past weekend (when not putting out the blazing fire that was my toddler’s 104 degree forehead), I had a realization: People cannot wait to de-Christmas. Keeping in mind that the merchandising of the season starts roughly on September 1st…the actually acceptable Christmas Celebratory Decorative Period starts the day after Thanksgiving. That’s when it’s

Nora Likes Wednesdays.

You know, just a Wednesday. The kind where you need to wear something fancy- but not too fancy because, after all, it is still a Wednesday. So you forgo the [detachable] wings to be a bit more rough n’ ready for whatever the [Wednes]day brings. And you’ve got your apple tea with honey in a Big Kid Mug and literally dozens of Tag Reader books in front of you and you’ve JUST FOUND BOTH OF

Sick Day/Night/Weekend.

…And then there are the nights when your youngest child wakes up simply covered from head to toe in vomit. (And you fail to realize this for a goodly ten minutes, seeing as you and your husband- both hanging out on different floors- thought that the other one got her. This, in particular, makes you feel like a special kind of monster.) When you [finally] see your drenched, shivering, and

My Mom Wrote Me An Early Dismissal Note.

“Keely, you’re awesome.””I know, Mom.” There are days when you feel so on top of the world and think that no one can even come close to touching the gigantic lead you’ve got on the rest of the human race… …And then there are the days when you completely disregard the “suggested serving size” for your container of ice cream. For four containers of your ice cream. There are moments where

2013 Is For Nappers.

Kinda like the Baby New Year (and her sister)…but noisier. Happy Day After New Year’s Day! Which isn’t a real thing, but I’m still in yelly, celebratory mode from this intense holiday season! So, I’ve gotta say, I enjoyed the heck out of my miniature blogcation- which is the last time I shall utter that word, I promise. (But I did.) It’s been a kinda crazed past few weeks, and it was nice

See You Next Year!

ODDKA Vodka Makes Me Applaud[ka].

I happened to have married a guy who mixes a mean cocktail. Just something I happened to do very well and I pride myself on it almost daily. Occasionally, however, I am left to my own drinky devices. And I rarely stray outside of the Vodka Realm. (Doesn’t that sound like an awesome place?) But that little world just got a whole lot bigger. Because. There is now a line of flavored vodkas