I simply love this picture of my Dad and one of my sisters. It embodies oh-so much about my father and everything we adore about him: His devotion to his family. His sense of humor regarding his ever-present kids. And his tolerance- because Good Lord, it’s like his one day off a month and this is literally the first time he’s even seen a newspaper all week. But no, totally. Go ahead, Rachel
Writing Is Not For The Sane.
One of the hardest things about being a playwright is that specific moment when people show up to see what you’ve written. It takes you from that [safe, cozy] time of writing THE most hilarious, THE most witty, and THE most crazy life-changing character interactions… …To that [scary, cold] public forum where you suddenly realize you’ve written THE most trite, THE most confusing, and THE
10 Signs You May Have A {Slight} Social Media Addiction.
{1} You hit your four digit iPhone passcode into your microwave. Twice. {2} When spying your toddler do something hilarious over the video monitor, you’ve attempted to “like” it. {3} You’ve texted your spouse to come watch this hilarious thing on YouTube with you. From one room away. {4} The instant you get a good photo taken, you mentally crop it for your profile pic. {5} If a
The Zuzu Monkey.
This girl. This girl who stands on things she shouldn’t and gets into spaces that you’d think she couldn’t… And preemptively berates herself with a pointed finger and a Nonono… And thinks that EVERYTHING is simply amazing, including that thing you’re holding or drinking or putting on a shelf. Unless it’s a diaper or sleeves, then- Gah…do NOT want, do NOT want. (Nosankyou.) The one
5 Ways To Save Money Once You Have Kids
Once you have kids, people sporadically approach you with buckets of cash. It’s a well-kept secret. Everyone knows how expensive the day to day necessities of raising a kid can be, so random do-gooders frequently help out with a spare Benjamin here and there. No, really. However, if it’s been a little while since your last freebie purse-full of pence, I’d like to offer up my little list:
January Date: Ice Skating (And Nary A Trip To The E.R!)
If I had to choose something I loved more than my husband, I’d have to say Re-enacting Scenes From My Favorite Movies. (If I HAD to.) Even the Russian judges liked us. This past Saturday, I didn’t even to pick between them. Because P.J.’s Christmas present to me was twelve months of Chicago dates. You know, the place where we live and of which we continuously extol the virtues but rarely have time to a) date in b) Chicago? He {Read More}
Hey, Dad.
Pops, as you steamroll through your second day of your second session of chemo, I’d like to invite you to reflect upon the good times. Like that time you found a yellow dinosaur. I mean, clearly you were between gigs for the evening- that is what was happening here, right? (Ziggy Stardust onstage= terrific. Rhinestone cowboy just a’cause in someone’s living room= …well, this is a
Through Thick N’ Thin…And Ungodly Temperatures.
As my Dad undergoes his second round of chemo this morning, I wanted to remind him of how thoroughly awesome he’s always been. He has- quite literally- always been there for me. Like when it was 30 degrees and snowing during my [outdoor] college graduation. In May. (A few years back.) …To watch me receive a Frisbee-shaped diploma. And ever since, to witness my [sometimes painful]