Wrapping Up The LISTERINE 21 Day Challenge!

Well team, we did it. As we near the close of the LISTERINE 21 Day Challenge, I just want to congratulate…me…on my ability to finally step it up and take care of my mouth like a functional adult. I went from flossing once every seventeen months to every single night. People, I felt like I deserved a medal. And apparently, if you have the kinda gums that bleed when you floss (once every seventeen months), you should endeavor to do {Read More}

February Date: Bowling Night (Sans Bowling).

Because my husband is so incredibly crazy about me- And because he was rapidly running out of time for a so-called February date (for the newcomers to this date thing, catch up on the whole bizness here)- You can tell I’m on a date.I am wearing a tie. He asked me out this past Tuesday for a wild evening of bowling and deep conversation in a dive bar-like atmosphere. I accepted, even though I’m not a “bowler,” overmuch. Except. Our {Read More}

My Dad Is Tough Enough For The Scrambler (With Kids).

Dad, As you prepare to smack this latest round of chemo directly in the face, I’d like to remind you of a little story: It’s the story of a Dad. With two little girls. (Well, actually four, but at the time of this tale the smallish ones were running around and shoving things like Tic Tacs up their noses. They weren’t doing real things, yet.) And that Dad did things with his little girls that no one really wants to do. Like {Read More}

Tonx Coffee Makes Me Feel Fancy (Even In Sweatpants).

My coffee addiction/routine has evolved over the years. It began when my parents would fix me a Keely Half n’ Half- part hazelnut, part cocoa- in the early mornings at our family’s restaurant. Which was really all an ambitious 13 year-old would need to wash the heck out of those dishes at 6am. In college, my roommates and I would use a fancy French press…and then leave it on the kitchen counter for the rest of the day. (Wouldn’t stop us {Read More}

Writers Are Just The Worst.

Last night, I had a deadline. More accurately, last Monday I had a deadline. Now, here’s how I generally work on plays:-IdeaIDEAidea, wouldn’t this be fun? (Four months.)-Plot Out The Things What Happen. Bonus- Add some dialogue which, while not truly belonging anywhere, is wicked funny. (One month.)-Freak out about character development and scrap the whole thing. (One month.)-Realize I am left with nothin’. Bring some people/dialogue back. Write more appropriate-to-nothing funny dialogue. (One month, minus two days.)-Pull two all-nighters and {Read More}

Keely: Television Series Addict.

I’ve always loved my television. The painfully specific- in unwise doses- programming of my television. The type which I consume during times of transition, stress, and/or necessary escapism. The first show I can clearly remember doing this with is Twin Peaks. On a road trip- in a camper, no less- I marathoned nearly the entire series at a downright breakneck pace. It was immediately after I had graduated from college, and saw nothing wrong with losing an entire weekend to {Read More}

It’s The Quiet Ones You’ve Gotta Watch Out For.

I came upon this scene between the 3 and 1 year olds yesterday, in Susannah’s bedroom: Nora, facing her little sister (fiercely): What’s cooler than cool!?Susannah makes a big show of wrapping her arms around herself and shivering.Nora: No, Zu, you say “ice cold.”Susannah: Brr.Nora: What’s cooler than cool!?Susannah pauses, certain she’s got this one.Susannah: Brr.Nora: Ice cold! You say ‘ice cold!’Susannah shivers.Nora: That’s right. I shouldn’t be too surprised by how street these children are. After all, their mother {Read More}

Happy Anniversary, You Crazy Kids!

This couple. They met and decided to go have some wild adventures and then he built her a house on Cape Cod.Then they had a kid.(And then they had this kid.) And then two more kids, which everyone agreed was a) not “a little brother” and b) not “a trip to Disney World.” Then came two more houses, at least three business ventures, and a whole menagerie, which [eventually] included five dogs, five cats, two hamsters, and at least thirty fish. {Read More}