Today’s Happy Thought.

‘Cause who couldn’t use a happy thought today?

California, A Wedding, And Some Stoked Little Girls.

Since I’m still very much so in the midst of California-vacationin’, here’s a sneak peek of the awesomeness that has been this week. For starters, I attended a wicked beautiful wedding of some college pals. The venue was on a gorgeous Southern California bluff overlooking the ocean where I kinda want to have my next wedding. (Take notes, Peej. If you’re lucky, it’ll be to you.)  There was

Mini Kitchen Makeover, Part 3, AKA P.J. Thinks The Backsplash Looks FINE.

Apologies for the utter lateitude of this post: I was busy feeling every single minute of the four hour and thirty-five minute flight to LAX next to the totally awake and needing to acknowledge/touch/drink everything Susannah. (Interesting sidenote: right before the descent, she asked to sit with P.J. so I swapped daughters. And Suzy fell asleep as the plane touched down onto the tarmac. GOOD FOR YOU, P.J.) But back to the kitchen. It’s done! [Ish!] Over the past few {Read More}

My Dad Doesn’t Embarrass Easily.

Hangin’ with da ladies. Hey Dad, Thanks for making us feel like we were exactly where you wanted to be on a Saturday night. (I mean, I know it’s true, but still. We could get a little trying. Kate especially.) Thanks for taking me to the drugstore after I got my first period and for acting so cool about the whole thing. I’m sure that’s where you wanted to be on a Saturday night. Thanks for

We Are All So Very Tired. And Dreaming About Grout.

Last night, I was awakened at 3am by a smallish person, excitedly telling me about dreams and stories and silly things. Well, I had to take her word for it because frankly, I wasn’t finding her jive all that hilarious. But she’s usually pretty spot on with these things, so I’ll trust her that it was all very funny. Anyway, the 3 year-old didn’t wake me from the soundest sleep. At the time of her arrival in our bed, I {Read More}

18 Months.

Susannah Mae- Suzy, Zuzu, The Zu, Monkey, Buttercup, Little Baby Seester- Happy 18 months. This milestone is huge for so many reasons, among them the fact that you’re no longer a baby and we get to stop annoying non-parents by counting your age with months. (Hey kid- you’re one and a half! Wicked.) Ready for anything. You are awesomely smart and alarmingly impish. You climb- Good Lord, you

Mini Kitchen Makeover, Part 2, AKA P.J. Gets Out The Power Tools.

You guys. Turns out, getting parts of your kitchen remodeled (and then repeatedly walking in and out of said room) is better than waking up to check your stocking or Easter basket or Valentine envelope or birthday table pile (what?) in terms of Immediate Gratification Awesome Feelings. Last week we got these ridonk cabinets resurfaced. This week? Oh my word, QUARTZ COUNTERTOPS. Let’s review what we had been working with: Man oh man, those cabinets are purty. That counter is {Read More}

Norman Rockwell It Ain’t.

Happy Easter!Love, The Confused Todder (Awake Since 1:45am)The Jellybean Thief (Vibrating With Sugar In The Background)The Crab Apple Gal (Pondering A 4th Cup Of Coffee)And The Determined Guy (Having A Magical Day, DARN IT.)