She’s Not A Monster. She’s Just Drowsy.

8:46am: Dumped cats’ water bowl out. (On cats.) 9:03am: Dumped out contents of dresser onto floor. (Are you sad, Mommy?) 9:39am: Dumped self onto floor. Split lip. Bled. Cried about bleeding. 10:02am: Asleep in car during three minute drive to Playgroup.  10:03am: Keely realizes that her Godzilla is actually a Sleeping Beauty.

Non-Squalor Home: Check.

About a month ago, we had contractors come and quote us for a couple of projects around the house. Among them was an estimate to finish the downstairs room- what was once a second kitchen, and was now a very real eyesore/storage unit amalgamation of awesome. They asked us what we wanted to do. We answered with the usual; new shelving, finished walls, maybe a new countertop, definitely a wet bar, perhaps a gas fireplace, a pool table, a craft {Read More}

Keely Saves Money. Keely Lives Better.

She’s awfully yellow. So, shot a commercial on Monday. And it was for Walmart. I shot a Walmart commercial. My name is Keely, and I played a Real Mom who shopped at Walmart and took the Walmart Challenge. And it was awesome. I got this gig through an agent and my friend Bradford (thanks, Bradford!) and was able to go to multiple auditions because my neighbor and friend Angie watched the girls (thanks, Angie!) and spent the day at the {Read More}

My Life Is So Very, Very Charmed.

This is what a Real Mom looks like, apparently- especially on set.(Why so much makeup, Mom?) Also, I am not as yellow in reallife as the Hipstamatic would have you believe.) …And this cannot be re-posted enough.Scott Bakula and I wish you the happiest of Leap Days!

When Mom’s Sick, We’re ALL Sick.

Hasn’t been changed in weeks. Over the course of the past week, I experienced my first full-on Sicky since becoming a parent. We’d all been ping-ponging the same sniffles and such back and forth, but on the rebound I apparently caught them straight in the jugular. I woke up one morning freezing cold, achy and bruised, swollen and stuffed o’ face, and not really “awake” at all. The kind of sick where you can’t even imagine sitting straight up, let {Read More}


This is the story of how one day- when things are wonderfully calm and simple- you suggest to your two year-old daughter that you bake something. Brownies, perhaps. And how she then proceeds to tear apart the kitchen in excitement, looking for wooden spoons, looking for aprons, trying to eat through the cardboard box to see what color the sugar is, etc., etc., etc. But then you turn on the oven. And, as the room becomes full- maybe overfull, even- {Read More}

Bad. Mom.

That’s prolly too big for- oh, she’s fine. YOU feed the baby. Ignoring both the infant eyeing my wine AND the toddler reading a prayer book against a radiator.

Hint- If You Give Nora A Sip, Don’t Expect It Back.

We’re heading back to Chicago in a little bit- and you’ll all be thrilled to know that I forgot only the barest minimum of necessities. We made do. (Although Nora might beg to differ, as one of the forgotten items was her hair detangler spray, and Miss Nimbus had to suffer through plain ol’ conditioner and combing and yelling.) As time is of the essence, the car is not even remotely packed, and I’m not entirely certain where Susannah is, {Read More}