Holy Holy Moly.

It’s official. Zuzu is legit. (In the eyes of Christianity, anyhow, and not in the whole She Doesn’t Look Like Anyone Except For Maybe P.J.’s Best Friend Neil A Tad When The Light Makes Her Hair Slightly Reddish- But I Swear She’s A Schoeny, Have You Seen Her Mouth kinda way.) P.J.’s awfully excited. We had a small baptism yesterday for our secondborn buttercup…and I’m not kidding you, she was an incredibly good baby. Which is no surprise. But it’s {Read More}

I Practically Work As A U.N. Translator.

I had my first honest-to-gosh Spanish conversation the other night. (My first, that is, since 11th grade. And that one was mainly about the seasons and whether or not Gil had been to the greengrocer.) Our neighbor from two houses down (for those keeping track, not the 300lb autistic boy and not the irate Filipino) walked by the other evening with her 3 year-old. A little girl named Suzy. Her Suzy waved at us from the street. My Suzy almost unhinged her {Read More}

Seeing What All The Fuss Is About.

Susannah, meet Real Food. (I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.)

Green Means Fun, Darnit!

Sorry, Zuzu, it’s picture time. This was the best summer holiday I’ve ever had for St. Patrick’s Day. Because it was ninety degrees outside. (I did, however, have a momentary fear for all of the revelers. Irish holiday plus Saturday plus downright 4th of July weather conditions? Happy, drunken, glittery folks being swept downstream in the Chicago river. Wearing skimpy tops proclaiming bold statements. Perhaps even singing.) Our festivities were way more low-key. It would be hard not to be. (Even {Read More}

Spring Fever Is Darn Near Killing Me.

It’d be great if you’d point thatcamera somewhere else, yeah? I may be the first person to actually be driven insane by spring fever. My normal state of being is fairly tightly wound. I’m cheerful and playful, but I’m also borderline OCD. (Undiagnosed, actually, so there’s a rather good chance they’d be all like- borderline? You are textbook. A neatly bound textbook, placed alphabetically and color-coordinatedly in a descending size row.) These orderly tendencies keep me firmly planted in the {Read More}

But Who’s Watching The Baby?

My favorite blue-eyed cherub… …And her jaunts to the park… …With her two babysitters. 

Weekends Aren’t For The Weak.

Close-up of ugly door.Close-up of blogger’s old promo pic. P.J. loves it when I start a new weekend project. No really, he just adores it. What’s not to love? Go on, honey (he says), why on earth would I prefer to sit here and pound through episodes of Firefly? It would be much nicer (he agrees) to help you prep, clean, facilitate, and be the sounding board for all of your ideas and/or misplaced anger. And even though my preferred color {Read More}

Keely Forces Culture Upon Her Children.

Off to discover! In my ongoing struggle with WHY I LOVE CHICAGO and UGH, CHICAGO (not quite short enough to be tattooed on each knuckle), yesterday’s activities warranted a check in the plus column. We went to the Art Institute- free the first and second Wednesday of each month for Illinois residents- and even scored free parking on the street. (I’m not sure how I wasn’t towed, because I do not believe that former Mayor Daley left any inches of {Read More}