And now, an exceptional money saving tip from the most unlikely of sources: Two year-old Nora Jane. Looking to save a little bit extra on those peskily expensive items of produce? Live n’ learn, folks, live n’ learn. Here’s how Nora does it: We walk to Cermak Produce, our favorite exceptionally affordable Hispanic grocery store. Walking through its vast aisles of fruits and veggies, Nora happily announces that she wants apples! Eggplants! Whatever that spiky thing is! (One of those vaguely {Read More}
Can We Swap "Wordless" With "Instagram?"
Avocado Face. The Burger Princess. …And I call this one “Look At The Goober On The Side.”
Easter Is A Full Contact Sport.
Those are some pretty special-looking eggs. I spent a good part of last week preparing for Easter with the girls (and Peej). We made paper Easter bunnies and plastered them to our front window. We braided traditional Armenian cheoreg biscuits to consume on Easter morning. Eggs were [carefully] dyed. We even unleashed the girls onto a wealthy neighborhood’s egg hunt. Everything was in place for a cinchy, relaxing, and nice Easter morning. Even though P.J. wanted to go to 8am {Read More}
The Big Six (Months).
Oh Susannah, Yesterday, you turned six months old. This is crazypants. It’s sometimes hard to believe that you did not even exist until your Dad and I said to each other, “You know what? This Kid Thing is so awesomely fun that we should have another, and then the fun will never ever have to stop, not even once.” A few things have happened between then and now, such as you grew fingernails and blood cells and simply wild amounts of {Read More}
Half A Year!
Two days old. Full of questions/concerns/comments. Two and a half months old. Full of joy/covered in stickers. Six months old. Full of sunshine/applesauce/butternut squash.Also, covered in stickers.
Eat It, Just Eat It, Open Up Your Mouth And Feed It.
Neither picky nor choosy. Yet. Nora has recently become a choosy eater. Not picky, mind you. Choosy. There’s a mammoth difference. Our choosy eater consumes eggplant parmesan. Spinach pies. Sweet potato fries dipped in blue cheese dressing. WHEN SHE FEELS LIKE IT. And there are many days when she feels like it. And even more when She. Does. Not. I try not to let it get to me (because, after all, that would be a tantrum of my own) and try {Read More}
8 Ways To Tell If Perhaps You’ve Given Up On The Whole "Limit The Kids’ TV" Thing.
It all looks so real! Almost like it’s animated! 1) Your 2 year-old says “Vamanos!” as you leave the house. (Passersby commend you on your bilingual teachings, but you know that it’s really all Dora’s doing.) 2) You’ve actually referred to at least one of the Backyardigans as a jerk. 3) Everyone in your household knows that there are three separate Strawberry Shortcake series- the oldest of which is the one you yourself watched as a child. (And they also {Read More}