Keely Comes Unhinged.

At least SOMEONE’S sleeping like a baby. This house has turned me into a Nervous Nellie and a Doubting Thomas. Whenever something new is opened up (the floor, a pipe, a line of credit), I fully expect that something “surprising” will happen. A rat’s nest will be exposed. We’ll all discover that there is actually no “foundation” to this place. Little things like that. And when people estimate that a job will take two days (“three days, tops”), I no {Read More}

Duct Tape House, Part- Oh, I Give Up.

I’d leave, if my shoes weren’t filled with Little People. Remember how, way back on Monday, I realized that I had taunted fate by posting about the hilarity of the previous Thursday’s bodily fluid debacle? Well, I got my comeuppance once again by continuing to post about said fluids- this time in the form of a sewer explosion. And I’m going to do it again, simply by referencing last Monday’s travails. I’m totally like a kid who keeps pushing an irate {Read More}

Spoiling A Movie In Three Panels.

So, this is nowhere near “wordless” today, but I think you’ll forgive the loquaciousness when you behold THIS: This movie has already aired. You may have missed your chance to see it. But it still needs to be discussed. The promo features three distinct pictures slashed across the page: Cuba Gooding Jr. looking concerned. A female behind a chain link fence looking, I dunno, hopeless. And, inexplicably, a group of what I can only assume are jumpsuited prisoners laughing on {Read More}

Guest Blog: Little Stories Everywhere.

Today is a first for me: a guest blog! My pal Molly at Little Stories Everywhere is a riot- and has the exact same parental neuroses as me. It’s refreshing. Enjoy! *** Molly and her positively edible kiddos. When you have a baby there are scores of things that people never tell you…things that are ugly, horrible and completely disgusting.  One of these sad truths is venturing out to the Pediatricians office for the first time.  It was…hmmm….an experience. Bitzy {Read More}

Keely’s House Continues To Fall Apart.

The pit…of despair… Apparently I keyed into something cosmic on Thursday. Either that, or I taunted fate something awful with my tales o’ bodily fluids. Because the very next day our sewer pipe collapsed. Thankfully, we [now] have a very good plumber. (For those of you playing along at home, yes we have collected plumbers like little kids collect…whatever the heck it is that kids collect these days. Jacks? Worry dolls? I have no idea.) The plumbers are called The Scottish Plumber {Read More}

Best Birth Control On The Market.

Great story, Mom. Let me set the stage for you. Nora, having recently begun the whole All Underwear, All The Time show, was having a hit or miss kinda morning. That said, by 9am I had already sanitized everything on which a little bum could fit. (Because, the sad reality is this: Potty training a two year-old is awfully akin to chasing an incontinent velociraptor.) Susannah, for her part, had been constipated for two days. And was covered with mashed {Read More}

[Forced] Togetherness.

Our Double Stroller- Making Moments Like This Possible Since 2012.

Indoor Air Is Highly Overrated.

“This house is made of Scotch tape and failed dreams.”“I know.” This coming July, we’ll have lived in this house for three years. Three years. During that time, we’ve ripped off a roof, dragged in appliances, patched and painted and edged and secured, replaced windows (and replaced windows and replaced windows), had the electrical system rewired, wiped out mold (and redid drywall and painted and edged and secured), made it clear that rats are NOT WELCOME, and finished a host {Read More}