Full Disclosure: I Am Not A Contractor.

I’m with you, kid. There are many things that I just know:-The vocal lineup of most classic rock bands since 1972.-An innate awareness of when a ladybug sticker is being placed on an item of good furniture.-How to fall asleep on any surface despite exterior influences. And then there are things for which I fall woefully short:-Being able to relax/move on with my life when things are out of order.-Apologizing first.-And anything having to do with the putting-back-together of my {Read More}

Wynken And Blynken And Nod.

Even when things get awful and messy and smelly and chaotic, it never fails to amaze me that the simple act of watching these two dynamos nap can make everything seem a teensy bit sweeter. (Still messy. Just nicer to look at.)

Broken House Still Broken.

See? The crumbling stoop loves me! I was extremely ready for the weekend. This is largely in part because I love weekends, but even more largely in part (how many parts am I allowed?) because the house broke even further on Thursday night. P.J., having ventured downstairs after work to, you know, inspect the demolition team’s work- because boys simply HAVE to poke the drywall, ask about the coils, and guess how many RBIs it gets. (I have no idea what {Read More}

The Dirtying Machine.

I am airing my dirty laundry. Right now, an entire floor of stuff has been absorbed by the other parts of the house. Like a sponge. Like a big, bloated, no-more-room-for-knick-knacks sponge.  And by “knick knacks,” I mean wool coats. Books n’ books n’ books n’ books. Upended tables. At least two cats. We’re like the beginning of a Hoarders episode- with no hope for an hour-long resolution.  The guys currently digging up the lower level were sweet enough to warn {Read More}

Reminiscing This And That.

I was going to post more pix of the whole-house carnage, but decided on this instead. I present to you: [Part Of] “Oodelally,” Sung By A Slightly Crabby Swedish Chef.  

Forget The Girls- I’M Going To Trade School.

ALL the furniture must be moved. All. Sometimes I feel like I’m hosting a contractor convention- and I’m the keynote speaker as well as the janitor. On Friday afternoon, we had our heating and cooling guys out yet again. “But Keely,” you ask. “Didn’t you just pay close to 4k for an a brand new a/c system?” Yup. Yes, we did. “And Keely,” you insist. “Didn’t they leave the job with only one floor cooled, completely undermining the crux of {Read More}

Keely Jinxes Herself Into Oblivion.

That frog takes up so much real estate. Things are starting to look up. (And not just because we’re crammed into the top floor of our house.) Yesterday I featured a [poorly lit] photo array of my new window seat. It’s simply glorious. It marks one of the few occasions where we’ve added something to this home because it would look nice or because it is time to no longer look like a crack den. (More like a crack palace!) So {Read More}

Something Actually Works!

Please pardon the complete and utter lack of artistry in these photos- they’re too dark, and they barely show what I’m trying to convey. BUT. Here’s the thing. After weeks of things falling down, we have something new. Something awesome. And it’s a bay window with a wide seat board.  And it is good. Old window in dim light. Note: janky/creaky wooden windows, various scratches, three layers of ill-placed caulking. NEW window in dim lighting. Note: HOW AWESOME IT IS. {Read More}