Piercings, Birthdays, And More Drinking.

Stealing Bethany’s drink/getting a picture with it while she was in the ladies room because it was funny/delicious. I have some news. No, not that. Not that other thing, either. And it doesn’t even involve my gloriously fallin’ down house. I have recently removed my tragus piercing. Now, before you get all creeped out and feel the need to excessively Google, I shall explain; the tragus is that bizarre flap of skin on your ear right before the ear canal. And I {Read More}

Don’t Tell My House, My Broken, Broken House.

I can’t look, either. I was going to post pictures today of the finished lower level. That’s right. I had intended to post those, because- finally- the downstairs rooms, bathroom, and laundry room were one thousand and two percent completed. However. Being as today is the six week anniversary of the day that the sewer pipe collapsed/the bottom half of the house got torn down to the studs, you know that this project ain’t going down without a fight. We had {Read More}

Happy Gals, A Melty Car, And A Double Stroller.

There are so many good pix from Memorial Day weekend that need their day in the sun. (The ridiculously hot sun.) Here are a few more: That’s rather warm for May. Random passersby wondered why I was snorting with laughter. Beach fail= backyard win. It wouldn’t be a weekend without a pic of smiling Zuzu. V takes a break from helping us unpack the new rooms to make a pal.

Tuesday Is No Longer The Weekend.

I am failing to understand why she is no longer in Chicago. Please pardon the fact that I did not post yesterday morning: I was having way too much of a weekend to be bothered with things like computers (and showers). My college bestie came to visit, and we proceeded to engage in activities that our 19 year-old selves would’ve popped eyeballs over. For instance, pushing a double stroller through a tree-lined neighborhood. Convincing a toddler to finish her corndog. Asking {Read More}

The Full Catastrophe! The Nields!

Katryna and Nerissa Nields have come out with a new album. For anyone who a) grew up in Western Massachusetts or b) loves good folk music, this is terribly exciting. I fall into both of these categories. The Nields were big on the coffeehouse/Lilith Fair circuit when I was an impressionable high-schooler and, now that I’m a impressionable mother of two, they’ve come out with The Full Catastrophe, their ode to parenthood, marriage, and how good life continues to be. {Read More}

In Dog Years It’s A Lot Longer.

We look so, so awesome in this picture. To my darling, patient, better-than-I-sometimes-deserve but always-exactly-what-I-need husband on our fourth anniversary… Nothing has changed yet everything has changed and I wouldn’t change a thing. (Except for maybe one or two teensy things regarding our homestead.) But let’s review those crazy ol’ vows, shall we? When I said “for better,” I was most likely talking about Sunday mornings with our daughters, the paper, a questionable amount of bacon, and one of your stellar mixes {Read More}

It’s The Little Things.

As we close out week five of “The Project,” it’s pictures like this that keep me going: Yuv. This one doesn’t hurt, either: 90% finished laundry room. (Yuv.)

Keely Rants At Her Kid’s Clothing.

Resting up. So, Nora has this shirt. It’s a hand-me-down, as we’re lucky enough to have most of her clothing be. It’s short-sleeved, and features gold scrolling writing that spells out: “Where’s My Prince Charming?” And for some reason (that I couldn’t put my finger upon until today) this passively phrased tee bothered me. Now, don’t get me wrong. I love princes and princesses. Dollhouses. Fairies n’ mermaids n’ trolls n’ dressing up. I love makeup and crowns. Disney movies. Happily {Read More}