
We Still Got It.

Abandoned. We had another whirlwind weekend in Cincy. (And really, aren’t they all whirlwinds? Every darned last one of them. Especially the ones where you’re hurtling down the Indiana Turnpike for six hours at a time. That rather zips the time along.) We had a great time with family. P.J.’s aunt had a lovely 60th birthday shindig (wherein my eldest child ate nothing but black beans and blue frosting and my youngest ate everything not tied down). There was a jaunt {Read More}

You Don’t Tug On Superman’s Cape.

“…And then, the King smote all of the princesses’ suitors…” Let me paint a little picture of heroics for you. The four of us- Peej, Nora, Zuzu, and myself- were sitting and having a lovely dinner. Well, “lovely” might be a loose term. In fact, it had gotten downright stressful, due to the fact that Nora was bouncing around her chair like a pinball and Susannah was laughing like a loon at her sister’s antics. “Where is her booster seat?” {Read More}

Just Watch Where You’re Stepping.

We live in a pretty gritty neighborhood.  I mean, we’re not talking The Wire-esque Baltimore, here, but it’s not exactly Mayberry.  Even still, we have moments and places of utter loveliness within throwing distance of our humble (and breaky) abode: Our neighbor’s Koi pond. The girls sometimes think thisis the Aquarium. Even though they’ve been to the real one, I’ve yet to properly correct them. We live four blocks from Manor Playlot, the manicured little parkthat’s right down the street from {Read More}

Four Years Young!

Not a single thing has changed. (Enjoy it now,you ridiculously well-rested fool.) Lollygag Blog turned four years old yesterday. Which means that it’s now bossy, energetic, and decently good with the English language. (Up to a point.)What started out as a writing exercise to keep myself motivated for plays/diverted from checking my Facebook status every three minutes has turned into a cheerful time-suck of epic proportions.Let’s take a look back to what we were blogging about during that first year, {Read More}

Keely Pals Around With House M.D.

“Doctor! The patient is flatlining! I shall click on her.” I’ll admit it, I get to do some pretty cool things via this blog. For instance, I get to play all sorts of new Ubisoft games, like the new House M.D.: Critical Cases. And it’s fun. Really, really, fun. It hooked up through my Facebook account and I was ready to go- once, that is, I picked out new features and accessories for my avatar. (Anyone else play Facemaker back {Read More}

The Big Reveal! Kinda!

Now, for your voyeuristic/cautionary tale approval, I give you:  Two Of The Five Gutted Rooms, All [We Hope] Done. (Forever And Ever, Amen.) Shall we jaunt back down the stinky, depressing, covered-in-tears Memory Lane? (Please forgive the iPhone photos. Why yes, I do have a camera so advanced it could land a jet…but I think it’s in storage. So, no flash it is!) First, the bathroom. The cesspool that started it all. Good God, that thinglooks like the beginning of a {Read More}

Ten Years Old! Plus Twenty Two!

In honor of my own birthday, I’d like to revisit a stellar Birthday Past. Join me, won’t you?  This is my tenth birthday. June 6th, 1990. There are so many things that I love about these two photos: I had a serious love for cropped tops/wearing cute outfits way past their intended levels of appropriateness. However, at the moment that this photo was being taken, I knew for a fact that I looked incredible. (And a kind Thank You to my {Read More}