Everyone Should Have Fireworks Commemorate Their Swimsuit Choices.

Haven’t we all had a weekend like this? Some weekends are just unexpectedly nice. Even when you’ve got nothing planned ahead of time; except- ahem- for a lengthy To Do list involving lumber, shelving, and copious amounts of storage for one’s husband. (For his stuff, rather. He doesn’t need to go into storage. He can stay right out here in the open. As long as he finishes his To Do list, that is.) On Saturday, I braved Marshall’s to view {Read More}

Cheer Up, Zuzu.

Thrilled. An Open Letter To My Daughter Susannah: Zu. You are nine months old, as of yesterday. Also, as of yesterday, you inspired multiple people to consider having a baby. (Actually, that’s been the case since you entered this world. You’re kinda the poster child for Awesome Baby.) And now, you’re entering the competition for Awesome Child. You have many things going for you; sleep habits (nonstop), eating preferences (all of them), and general ability to jive with nearly any {Read More}

Patriotism Makes You Blurry.

Happy Fourth of July, everyone.

Nothing But The Best.

It’s official- Susannah is a Chicagoan. Not because she’s been to the lake or complained about the heat or had deep dish…but because she attended her first Parking Lot Carnival.  And she really, really liked it. Yes to everything! Nora, quite the daredevil lately, happily fulfilled her longstanding dream of “CAN I DRIVE THE CAR IN THE FRONT SEAT AND HOLD THE STEERING WHEEL?!” (This was surprising for two reasons: 1) She eked by on the height requirement. I think {Read More}

Surfin’ Safari It Ain’t.

“There’s some good chompin’ sand over here, Susannah!” There are days where you feel like you’ve unlocked the door to Competent Adulthood. Then there are other days where bang your head on the beam of Ignorant Idiocy. Today would most likely skew towards the latter. It didn’t start out that way. No, the morning began with a cleaned kitchen, three loads of put-away laundry, prepped lunches, and an invitation to join our friends (and their daughter Emily, who happens to be {Read More}


I should really just start calling Wednesdays This Week In Instagram.

This Whole Vending Machine’s Out Of Order!

I object. This past Friday, I was called to perform an extremely important duty. In an instant (after checking the hotline at 4:30pm, CST) I became Keely: Juror.  I did not take this job lightly. (Most likely because I was stoked beyond belief to get to ride solo on a train, read a book, and potentially use the bathroom by myself at some point during the day.) Here is how I prepared for my Big Day O’ Juroring:-I showered.-I ate {Read More}

10 Ways Kids Are Like Ravers.

High on life and/or fruit leathers. Terrifyingly off-the-wall party or simply an afternoon hanging out with the kids? You be the judge: 10. There is definitely someone with an oral fixation next to you who keeps trying to eat your bracelet. 9. At least one person is completely naked for no discernible reason.  8. Someone is babbling about getting some food. Again. 7. There is a girl, standing alone, sobbing uncontrollably about nothing of consequence. (We will get you another lollipop!) {Read More}