Probably The First Truly “Wordless” Wednesday.

N And Z Shriek At The Princess Ponies Of Pony Royale.

This post is sponsored by Pony Royale. I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective, and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own. *** I like to encourage all sorts of games and activities in my house- not just “girl-centric” ones. That said, I have a complete and utter weakness for ponies. (Just ask my husband, who’s had to move boxes of my childhood toys TWICE.) So we were extremely excited to {Read More}

Nora Plays Favorites.

Oh, she’s a cool one. Two nights ago, something momentous happened: Nora asked me to tuck her into bed. Me. Her mother. Even though her father was totally in the room and available and hadn’t lost an iota of his Favorite Person In The Land status. Well, maybe just a little. Because she asked me to tuck her into bed. Back in the day, I tucked her into her crib every single night. Oh, sure, P.J. used to try. And {Read More}

Unleashing My Spawn On The ‘Hood.

Monsters. Yesterday, as the girls and I were wrapping up a quick grocery run to our neighborhood Cermak, a woman absolutely astounded me with an Out Of Left Field, You Said What kinda comment. (Nothing should surprise me anymore. But it still does.) Here’s the scene: Me, clutching a bag of various produce and various meats, and The Girls, sitting quietly in their double stroller. Susannah was sucking her thumb and snuggling her monkey. Nora was contemplating the Velcro on {Read More}

9 Months Going On 3 Years.


She Sure Does Love Cheese, Doesn’t She?

Every Chicagoan know where I am and what I’m holding.(Also, thanks to Instagram, I can be as orange as the cheese!) I have a confession. I was not in Chicago this weekend. P.J., Nora, and Susannah were…but I was not. My wonderful husband actually sent me away (muttering something about house-related post traumatic stress, tightly wound, and something something- finish your book). No one knew about this plan. I hadn’t told anyone because a) I was feeling incredibly guilty about running {Read More}

Ten Rules For Owning An Ikea Candle.

We went to Ikea recently. Well, actually, P.J. did. He said that there wouldn’t be enough room for the girls’ car seats in the back if we wanted to get bookshelves, etc., and that someone would have to “stay home with the children.” Whatever. I think he was just trying to keep me out of my beloved Ikea.  He made it up to me by purchasing deliciously scented candles. These candles, however, came with a warning. A lot of warnings. Ten, in {Read More}

It’s Coming From Inside The House!

So, I’ve always had an overactive imagination. But I’ve got nothing on my child.  If you’re a close n’ personal Facebook friend, then this image got all up in your feed all day yesterday. Apologies. But it still just boggles my mind. Lemme ‘splain: Nora, since she was roughly eighteen months old, has always pointed at our kitchen cabinet and told us about her bunny that lives there. We’re artists. We believe in imaginary play and all that other hippie {Read More}