Is She EVER Coming Back?

Last flashback/lazy post, I swear. All too soon I’ll be back in the land of sirens/crazy neighbors/no oceans at all and I’ll have plenty of time to write actual posts. Sigh. But for now, I give you: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 Last night we had our first tech rehearsal for Rules of Infection, a delightfully dark comedy in which my honest-to-gosh husband and I play less than divinely happy

An Almost Completely Idyllic Vid.

Susannah and Peej splashing in the Maine tide. Bonus: About halfway through, look for the completely creepy cameo of Nora.

Flashback, Part 3: Her Laziness Knows No Bounds.

Yes, we’re still traveling. (Who are we?) We’re currently in Maine, visiting a lovely family for whom I happened to nanny for close to a decade. From amidst the ponies, Strawberry Shortcake dolls, and sand-covered faces, I bring you: Four Years Ago This Week. (Not A Thing Has Changed.) (Friday, August 8th, 2008) Wow, it’s Friday. When did I become Sally NeverPost? And what brought on this

Flashback, Part 2

I’m seriously lazy/digging the blasts from the pasts (I have no idea why I was so flipping tired all the time! I’m pretty sure I just went outside, came back in, and napped for the majority of my weekends).  Back soon, promise. Happy Thursday! *** Tuesday, August 5th, 2008 There’s No Place Like Home How on earth is it Tuesday? I know for a fact that just a moment ago it was

Somewhere On The Eastern Shore…

Here are a few of the reasons why I’m not so awesomesauce on the posting/responding this week… (Please forgive. I’ll save you a drink.) The ratio of people/faces turned towards the camera is astounding. Squnch. Gleeful sandbarring. Totally could surf on her own. Think she digs it.

Nora Has Tea With Emerald City’s "Alice In Wonderland."

Nora and I were thrilled to go see Emerald City’s (and adapter/director Ernie Nolan’s production of Alice in Wonderland at Emerald City Theatre last Saturday. (Trivia: Did you know that my very first starring role was of Alice, in 1989? True, unrelated story.) I love this story. I’ve always loved this story. And now, so does Nora. This production (with its theme of problem solving) is lovely- there are hints of a 1920s radio hour and the feel is very Deco. The {Read More}

We Opened The Vault.

Due to the fact that I’m vacation, being plied with various liquors, and have nothing original to say, here’s an oldie but goodie from July of 2008.  Nothing has changed in the least. (However, apologies for my formatting issues. Maybe it’s because of some weird Time Cop issue.) Enjoy. This is the closest I came to standing still. Seeing Boston in concert was truly a religious experience. Sure, I’m a Catholic and I go to mass and all that…but I can also {Read More}

The Stunning Conclusion To Our Saga.

Remember back in April and May and June, way back when my house was a swirling pit of stinky despair? (It’s a faint recollection, but it’s there.) Well, I’m sure after the new pix of the downstairs in June everyone was all like- “I guess they only got two rooms refinished after all!” Nope. We got ’em all done, only it took way longer than we had expected to, you know, play Downstairs Jenga with storage and cleaning and general put-back-togetheritude.  {Read More}