The Mug Of Your Dreams And/Or Nightmares.

The year is 1999. My sister Chelly is 12 years old. (I am…roughly six and a half years older. Still am.) Her assignment in middle school ceramics class? Make a mug. But give it a face. Some personality. Maybe a tetch of creepiness? And oh, how she delivered. The mustache, the eyeballs, the world weary sentiment that reads: Just One Of Those Days. (Which is hilarious on many levels, but especially when you think about how it came from the {Read More}

Nora Went To School And Keely Had A Thing.

Here’s what’s amazing about this pic: Nora, upon exiting the school, hugged me so hard that my sunglasses flew off and I nearly dropped the camera. Everyone: Is she still talking about her kid going off to school? Me: …Yeah. (Sorry.) Here’s the thing. It continues to be a Big All-We-Can-Talk-About Deal around these parts for a few reasons, among them the fact that it is a life-changing event for at least one family member…and it causes copious moments whereupon another family {Read More}

Keely Works Out So You Don’t Have To.

My sister Rachel gave me her Insanity workout DVDs a little while back *coughtwoyearsagocough* and I thought I’d give them a go. With commentary, of course. (If you can’t blog about it, it hasn’t really happened.) Some of you may remember when I was berated by my Wii Fit, and- for longtime followers- when I live-blogged Core Rhythms and came away from both with serious life questions. But yes,

Unsafe Driving Practices.

This year, Labor Day brought a picnic with some terrific neighbors and friends and- most importantly- the neighbor’s Barbie Jeep. This wonderful contraption allowed certain parents to drink Riesling while their children proceeded to shove each other out of [semi] moving vehicles.  Thank you, unions. Just checking the specs on the endline for the…rotary…girder… You got a jumper

‘Not Gonna Labor’ Day.

In honor of Labor Day, I’m gonna do what I do every Monday of a long weekend: Complain that we didn’t get as much done as I had wanted… And wonder why I completely lose my drive and energy as soon as there’s one more adult in the house. Don’t be like me. Enjoy this day to its fullest! Eat some ice cream. Stop and smell the flowers. And don’t even think about doing the

Sweet Home Chicago.

Goodness, she’s young. Also, a little cold. Tomorrow marks my 10th anniversary with Chicago. That’s a long time, especially with my track record. (Don’t be alarmed, Peej. I’m different now.) What should’ve been a one-season stand with a city (I had my eye on you, Los Angeles, and you sure turned my head, NYC- but we weren’t the ones for each other) turned into a full on crushfest of epic

Free Day At The Adler Planetarium!

…Well, at least it was for us. We got the elusive CPL Adler free pass (’cause seriously, that thing is never there. The only available passes are usually the ones with free admission anyhow…or the museum of surgical science, which I’m gonna take a pass on for my Under-3 set, yeah?) Ain’t it always the way? You trek across town and allyour kids wanna do is play with the Planetarium’s

Too Busy For Hygiene.

Crawling towards soap. The dirt makes her blurry. My laziness has reached new heights. Or lows. (Let’s go with lows, since I’m currently on the floor.) This weekend was truly fun. Exhausting fun. But- let’s put it into perspective, here. I wasn’t scaling mountains with the girls strapped to my back. There were no death-defying underwater cave expeditions. (That’s next weekend.) There was