Can we talk metaphors for a second? This week has been a big ol’ metaphor and, as everybody knows, February is the metaphor of the calendar year, and I’m fairly sure you’re asking yourself right about now if this gal is even secure on the definition of “metaphor.” Stick with me, here. So, the other day, I needed to return some library books for the fam. About 20 of them. It was torrentially raining and I wasn’t much feeling like {Read More}
Cold & flu & terror & the apocalypse
I’m terrified of cold and flu season. …But I’m not terrified of colds and the flu for the reasons you might expect. (Unexpected Illness Terror: a book of contemplative poetry by Keely Flynn, coming soon.) I mean, there’s plenty to be afraid of. Kids throwing up is gross. Body aches and sinus pain make you regret life choices, like choosing to have a life where you catch the flu. And, at least in this news cycle, this is the worst {Read More}
An open letter to the man who screamed at me (this time).
(Edited to add: This all went down last Thursday, and I gave myself a week to see if that would elicit a gentler, more forgiving response to the man in question. It didn’t.) *** Dear Sir, Not half an hour ago, you shouted at me with rage in your voice and disgust in your eyes. You- you– stepped in front of my (stopped!) van at the edge of my alley, steps from my garage. “Honk your EFFING* HORN.” (*You did not say “effing.”) {Read More}
Today. (Is Hard.)
Today. Today is a day where I want to keep the blankets firmly (and warmly) over my head. Today also happens to be a day where that most likely will not happen. Today is a day where I had intended to write a sweetly sentimental piece about toddlerhood, and how hard it is- because, ohmygoodness, it is SO HARD- and for every moment that folks implore you to not blink n’ miss it, you have another moment where you’d sell {Read More}
Phone addictions and you. (But mostly me.)
I have a confession about my phone. I am one thousand percent addicted to my phone. And not in a cutesy, “shopping is my LIFE” way. No. I am unable to function without my iPhone. I’ve recently had a chance to find out how [sadly] true this is. You know how everyone’s buzzing about Apple intentionally throttling their “older” models of phone? (And we’re talking 6S, people, not the iPhone 2 from 2007. I got my 6S late in 2016. It {Read More}
New year, same blog & a 2018 word
Happy new year! Happy same blog. Which is…good. “Same” can be comforting in a new year, especially in light of so much oh no oh no oh no whaaaat that pretty much defined 2017. Speaking of new years and definitions, I’ve chosen my word for 2018. (Because I’m saccharine and a hippie and a lemming.) Last year’s word, if you’ll recall, was a firm NO. (Which, come on, what good did I think would come out of that? Besides the {Read More}
Merry Everything (and see you in 2018)!
Signing off for this year, pals. May the rest of December bring you: …The happiest holidays if you celebrate, and a peaceful end of 2017 if you don’t. (Heck, I wish everyone a peaceful end of 2017. BYE, 2017!) …Gluten-free treats that taste like normal people food. (Or, you know, awesome food for non-allergics if you’re non-allergic.) …Naps. I wish you many naps. …At least one moment over the next couple of weeks that makes you feel like a good member of society, {Read More}