It’s hard to escape the images of stricken, suffering Syrian families awaiting safe passage to…well, anywhere, really. (12.2 million Syrians- 5.6 million of whom are children. Million.) And I get it: there are so many people facing so much awful right now, you might be having trouble processing who (or where) gets top billing in the brain game called grief/rage/anxiety/rinse/repeat. And that’s okay. That’s legit. What’s not legit, however, is sitting quietly by while innocent victims are denied basic human rights {Read More}
Upcoming holiday events and giveaway, DAY ONE!
Two weeks later, I’m happy to report…that I’m simply awful at taking a two-week blogging absence. (I even started thinking in quips and copy. It’s a sickness, I tell you.) However, I’m stoked to announce that there is SO MUCH AWESOMENESS to do and win and see for this upcoming season. Some stuff is Chicago-y type goodness, and some is nation-wide joy. (Today is entirely Chicago-centric, friends.) I’m gonna go ahead and call this series The Four Non-Linear Days of {Read More}
Peace out. (For a tiny bit, I swear.)
You may have noticed that I didn’t post yesterday. You may not have noticed that I didn’t post yesterday. (And to you I say- we all know what we all know, but I know that you need to know different things.) So! Happy November. October is- and was- a wonderful month, full of birthday DAYS and birthday parties (times three), Halloween parties (times two) and that pesky ol’ thing called Actual Trick or Treat. I am a great celebrator. But {Read More}
My Mom is here and I’ve been banished.
Guys, I’d love to stay and chat, but my Mom’s in town. Like, staying at my house, cooking my meals, folding my laundry, kicking me out of my own kitchen in town. So far, we’ve: …Asked the man at the meat counter how to cook a certain item- except in my atrocious Spanish I definitely asked him how to “kitchen” it. (He didn’t know.) …Drank bourbon. (Last night, people, last night.) …Fell asleep in front of Antiques Roadshow. (P.J. was {Read More}
If you give a Mom a messy spice cabinet.
I was trapped in the kitchen yesterday. All day. And I pretty much loved it. I’d like to say I have no idea how it happened, except I totally do; I was looking for garam masala spice and I noticed that my spice cabinet was out of sorts. Frankly, it was a bloodbath. Spices jars in the spice carousel were borderline empty, while their multiple (multiple!!) refill jars lay sideways towards the back. Smallish piles of salt abounded on both {Read More}
A shorter post. You’re welcome.
I spent the better part of this morning scrolling through old blog posts. That is to say, of the amount of time I had with my computer after kids were fed and generally acknowledged was spent scrolling through old blog posts. That is to say, roughly fourteen minutes. Two things were similarly evident in posts from ’08 and ’09: First, I was a wordy mo’ fo’. (1500 words? Sit down.) Secondly, I have always been this charmingly neurotic. So. Since I {Read More}
Wednesday Roundup: Dance, play, watch, and create.
Apparently I’m bringing back the round-up: (Apparently there’s way too much to do in this town.) Guys- you’re not too late! Take your littles to (our favorite place) Pickle’s Playroom to see (our favorite peeps) The Play Cafè join in on the interactive Radio Party! This super-duper music and storytelling duo of Linda and Brad (which you might remember from oh- lemme see- Monday’s birthday spectacular) brings the fun, the laughs, the dancin,’ and ohmyGAWD the subsequent naps. Cost for the performance {Read More}
Way too much stuff: A Chicago playtime roundup.
Avid, long-time, family-member readers might have noticed that the Wednesday Roundup had gone on a brief hiatus due to the draining, summertime heat. Okay, not really. But I did lose a lot of Man Hours applying sunscreen to various moving targets. So with the cooler weather comes the return of Awesome Things People Are Doing Around Town… …And That You Should Know About, Too: The 2015 Chicago International Children’s Film Festival– besides being an incredibly cool experience for kids ages {Read More}