This time of year… …is when I wonder why I can’t just sit on my kitchen floor and eat corned beef for days straight. (This time of year is when I spend days straight cooking corned beef.) This time of year is when I unabashedly, unashamedly, and uncontrollably wear green. And glitter. Though the former is more holiday-specific while the latter is just “Thursday.” I also binge-listen to Irish music. And we’re not talking “cool” Irish music like the Pogues {Read More}
Back in the (germy) saddle!
Happy 2016, friends! (…almost a full month in.) Not to lean too heavily on a Sherlock cliffhanger ending or anything, but- MISS ME? Thus far, I’ve spent the entirety of 2016 thinking up content schedules and bloggy redesign (and have yet to make any hard n’ fast decisions, ha HA)! Here’s what I do know, however; I’m going back to posting the blahbedity blah stuff (what we in the business call my free-associating, through line-free, loosely held grasp on the {Read More}
See you in shiny, sparkly 2016!
Oh, friends. It’s been a year. A loud year, a quietly sad year, a tense/angry/anxious year, and a year full of such profoundly beautiful moments that they took my breath away in gratitude. Back in the day (like, as recently as 2014), my biggest New Year’s resolution was to drink more water. Because, like, I had everything else completely figured out. Hahahahahaha, 2014-and-earlier-Keely. You optimistic, dehydrated fool. This year, I’m wishing for the ability to set boundaries when I need them, {Read More}
I’m doing okay. (Here’s proof.)
Some days I have an awareness of just how peachy (and downright marvelous) my life actually is. Even when it’s annoying and stupid and exhausting and over-caffeinated. Today is one of those days. Here are just a few of the things I’ve said aloud this morning in slight self-beration of just how okay I really am. I’m doing okay if: …The most frustrating part of my morning is dealing with returns. I think we can all agree that a) {Read More}
And sometimes your energy and patience and faith in humanity is justallgone. And you look at a picture like this: And you see those faces, completely full of innocence, and you kinda break a little bit inside. Because you don’t want those tiny people to be shot in a public venue, in a private home, not anywhere, ever, and not when they’re grownup, either. You also feel substantial guilt because those faces are growing up in a home with more {Read More}
Chicago holiday events and an app-happy giveaway!
Happy third Wednesday in my borderline linear holiday event and giveaway series! Settle in, folks; there’s a lot of stuff you need to know about this week. (Disclaimer: Some of these products and events are given to me for review purposes, but most are things I just really, really like talking about.) Tallyho! Places to go: It’s no secret that the Morton Arboretum is one of the coolest places, ever. Ready to wow your kids (or, you know, your legitimately {Read More}
Thanksgiving, Chicago theatre, and a heavily discounted book!
Happy Cyber Monday! Thanks for spending it here (…on your way to that Amazon flash sale dealie). Last week was so jam-packed and Thanksgiving was so marvelous that I totally forgot about my Thursday post until, uh, last night. (Whee! Now that’s some quality turkey-ing.) Highlights: We spent the day itself at our great friends’/neighbors’ house and completely encroached upon their extended family time. (Thanks, Coopers!) Related: is that corn pudding/casserole thing a Midwestern wonder, or have people just been {Read More}
On the second day of holiday events & giveaways…
Welcome to the Four Non-Linear Days of Fun Events and Giveaways and Yes, Even Some Alcohol Too, Day Two! No, I still haven’t chosen a better name. So, a Chicagoland Santa visit is in the works, friends? You can’t put too much thought into this. If it’s not the right Santa- a really good Santa- your child will most likely be traumatized forever. (Don’t confuse that with your child crying in the photo. Because that most likely will happen anyhow. {Read More}