Date Night Month Meets Tired Parents And Toddler

I shall not be moved. Remember waaay back in the Fall of ’09, pre-Nora Junebug Jane, to be exact? We deemed that frantic and aggressively fun time Date Night Month. It was great. It was fulfilling. And- as it turns out- it was a completely unnecessary step for which to greet a new baby. In retrospect, we probably should have saved those pennies for things like diapers, wipes, and boxes of Franzia. (Having a baby is stressful.) Past helpful knowledge totally disregarded, {Read More}

Just Beachy.

I am still on vacation. And it is great. Despite monsoon-like rainstorms for the first two days and near frozen bedroom conditions (due to a super eager a/c system and more than one family member with a predilection towards extreme body temps), we’ve had a stellar time. And so have my Mom and Dad and sister and her husband and their three kids and my sister and her boyfriend and her friend and my sister and her friend (and various {Read More}

Baby Brunches And Potential Rodents

How is it Monday already? Oh right, because the term formerly referred to as “weekend” has been replaced by “super-sonic crazyfest.” Aka “summer.” Zumba behind us! This past crazyfest was especially lovely, as my big sis Kate was in town to boss me around- er- make sure everything got done before The Monkey had his/her arrival. She even threw me (and The Monkey) a sweet brunch at Selmarie in Lincoln Square and hosted a few wonderful friends! Some highlights: -My {Read More}

Strangely, True Blood did not play into the dream AT ALL.

There was a fountain here a sec ago. Emma and Dan have left. Boo. However, we no longer have 8,000 glasses, cups, and mugs in/on the sink/ dishwasher/ countertops. (Flynn girls pride themselves on hydration.) No one is making me laugh like a loon by announcing “Hey, brotherrr” (a la Arrested Development) every time someone enters the room. But then again, no is giving me palpitations by making me wonder what train stop they’re taking home/if the alarm is properly {Read More}

My kinda town. And beach.

My youngest sister is in town! Em and her boyfriend Dan have been here since Tuesday night. It’s part visit, part graduation trip for Dan, and part Nora seeing the people that go with the faces in her picture book. (Win/win/win.) It’s pretty fun having people from out of town- especially if said people are sisterish types- because it allows me the chance to do something for which I so rarely find the time: be a tourist. Yesterday we spent {Read More}

Back to reality…and the inflatable giraffe pool.

Happy Day After Memorial Day, everyone! Or, to The Monkey, Happy 21 weeks. To Peej- Happy Day Back At Work… And to me, Happy Oh My God, There’s A Lot Of Laundry Here- and How Long Was That Sippy Cup Stuck Under The Passenger Seat, Anyway Day. (Observed.) Some weekend highlights: Family, naps, pooltime, Skyline cheese coneys, miniature people in sundresses, multiple improbable yet highly successful mammoth group photos, a stunning black tie wedding, dancing with my husband…and other people’s {Read More}

Birthdays are for memories.

My youngest sisters turn 24 today. I, frankly, am shocked. Shocked because I’m pretty sure I’m still 24, and they’re definitely…a year or two younger than me. Or so. Ballpark. Also shocked because a good part of my childhood was spent doing really, really fun things that had incredible potential to damage one or the both of them. (And can’t twins feel each other’s wounds and stuff like that? So- definitely both of them.) Do NOT leave us alone with her! {Read More}

Can I write a Trip Advisor review?

Nice. I am really, really relaxed. This does not make for a compelling read, I realize. But let’s see if I can create some dramatic tension, twists n’ turns, and cliffhangers for bloggy’s sake. On Tuesday morning we got Nora out of bed at 5:45am to head to O’Hare. I had booked the earliest flight possible, thinking that it would be easy that way. (Sure, ’cause nothing says ‘easy’ like an exhausted toddler.) And an accident on 90/94 made me {Read More}