Slow It Down, Friend.
Soon I’m gonna be 15. Time is skipping by. Actually, no, that’s not quite true. Time is racing, speeding, and zipping by- faster than a two year-old can unravel an entire roll of Charmin toilet paper. Susannah is already three months old. And Nora is edging ever closer to actual big kid-dom. Zuzu is making sport out of outgrowing newborn clothing…and three months clothing…and certain three to six months clothing of the fancy dress persuasion… With Little Nora Thumbelina, we {Read More}
Zuzu’s Three-Monthiversary!
We love you, Buttercup. Especially when you’re wearing bear ears… …Or leaping through time and space… …Or just doing your best Winston Churchill.
Meanie Pants McGee Neglects [One Of] Her Children.
Naw, it’s cool. Just a bladder infection. And now, let’s check in with everyone’s favorite Terrible Midwestern Mama- Me. This week’s descent into therapy is brought to you by the letter T, for Toilet Bowl. Nora had been happily using the potty, not using the potty, and talking about things she wanted to do whilst on the potty (read various books, call loved ones on the phone, not take her nap, etc.) for the better part of the hour leading up {Read More}
Dragging Kids About Town.
The past few days have been great. Unless you ask my children. Then, the time has been rotten. For starters, we rocked Nora’s world with the trifecta of terror: Santa, first haircut, and meeting new people. We thought she’d dig seeing Santa, seeing as how she’s been obsessed with all of the classic Christmas movies and telling everyone how KIND she’s been. (Saturday morning she excitedly told me that Santa would even give her a treat because she’s been so KIND.) {Read More}
I Still Want A Hula Hoop.
Last year’s questionable meet-up We’ve really been pushing The Christmas. Mostly for myself. It’s kind of hard to be in the spirit of things when really (reallyreallyreally) tired, but the [advent] calendar waits for no man! So we’ve been rocking the Sirius XM holiday station. Expected side effect: I remember how much I adore renditions of ‘O Holy Night’ (except for Jewel’s- blechity blech) and any incarnation of Canon in D. Especially if a children’s choir is singing in the background. {Read More}
She’s In Real Danger Of Getting Noshed, Here.
Is it so wrong to want to eat another person’s face? …Yes? Okay, but how about if they have positively Winston Churchillesque cheeks on a newborn’s sweet-smelling li’l head? Isn’t that an edible juxtaposition? …Still no? There is something about this kid’s Thousand Yard Stare that makes me feel faintly apologetic for the things I know she knows about me. She’s a Very Old Soul. (Maybe a grandmother of mine. Maybe a great. Maybe someone else’s– who also knows something {Read More}