We are almost at 5000 hits, people. Let’s do this. (And yes, I realize that people who get Google Reader updates and the like don’t necessarily count in the overall tally, but…I’m a very tangible person. Tactile, even. Some might say tangential.) Last Tuesday was the 20 week appointment wherein we got to see Bitsy Baby Schoeny. And P.J.’s chin, my nose, and the feet belonging to someone awfully antsy. It was wild to see the kiddo’s jaw opening and {Read More}
Starin’ down the business end of 29.
Or as my sis Kate tells me- The Beginning of My 30th Year. (Not helpful. Accurate, but still unneccessary.) And my youngest sister Emma insists that ’30’ is still technically one’s late ’20s. “I mean, it’s 30, but whatever.” Okie doke! But that is for another year. This is the era where ’28’ passes off the baton to ’29’- more like ’28’ shoves the baton into ’29’s’ reluctant palms like it’s covered in a swine flu/strep amalgamation (currently running rampart {Read More}
Doesn’t anybody stay in one place anymore?
No. This past weekend (starting on Friday, really) I had the distinct privilege of heading to O’Hare at 4am. (Nat? “As you do.”) It was the beginning of my Let’s See All the Sisters College Tour ’09. And in the nick of time, too- they graduate in a couple of weeks! The flight was lovely, as I had drifted off to sleep right after takeoff…only to be nudged awake by an apologetic flight attendant. Would I care for a drink? {Read More}
I need a vacation from my vacation.
I think that should be up there with “I don’t do Mondays,” “Hang in there,” and “I’m with stupid.” (Also, as it was recently pointed out to me: phrases on a mug= witty, ironic humor. Phrases on a tee shirt? Not quite so classy.) Anyhow, as I’ve recently come back from *Cali ’09,* I thought I’d share some highlights. Highlights, mind you, and not full blown tales. I am EXHAUSTED, after all. Los Angeles- Met Scott Bakula. (Life highlight, I {Read More}
Uh, hi March.
Whoops. So, um, been a tad busy with a li’l project or two I’ll reveal shortly. But in the meantime- travel/writing/more travel/more (but unfortunately, of lesser quality) writing/and some meetings. Two weekends ago Peej and I went to Cincy and had a great Subway experience on the way through the state of Indiana (the chain restaurant, I mean- I don’t believe Indiana has a transit system. I could be dead wrong) wherein we, due to the Lenten Season, ordered non-meat {Read More}