Poor abandoned kid, living in a milk crate. First things first: happiest of birthdays to one of my oldest pals (in years of closeness, that is, not oldest-living-friend.) We love you, Auntie Jen! Test the waters o’ 31 for me, I’ll be there in a couple of months. Now. For the serious news. P.J. has left me. For four days. And it’s…weird. Quite weird. At first, I panicked. You mean I hafta do all of this alone? Feed and bathe {Read More}
Not too early for a late breakfast martini, though…
Get A Load Of This Gal Cam. Boy oh boy, have I overcome a major writing hurdle. As I’ve been working on various projects this a.m., I put on Sirius XM’s 40s on 4 channel- recently converted to all holiday music, all the time. Which I generally dig. But it wasn’t doing much for my creative process other than making me want to swirl brandy in front of a fire- and it’s about an hour too early for that. (Darn you, {Read More}
Don’t Mind If I Do.
Jared and P.J. were there, too. (See what I did there? I do? Get it- weddings? Ah HAH. Marriage humor.) So Peej and I have just returned from Napa and the glorious wedding of our two pals, Annie and Jared. Here are some summed-up highlights (for to give each terrific day the review it truly deserves would cause Blogger to wonder if they should charge me more): Our bed and breakfast, the Wine Way Inn, was RAD. We stayed in the {Read More}
Cheese Royalty.
The Cheese Queen & Princess. Our toes are just beginning to thaw, I’ve got a shelf full of vintage treasures, and I found a cheese curd in my pocket. We’ve safely made it back from Wisconsin. Now, back in the old days, way before I was married to a Midwesterner and was simply a gal from the 413, I couldn’t have differentiated between Wisconsin and Iowa on a map. Really. Granted, I’m kinda terrible at geography, but in Massachusetts (a {Read More}
Total amount of sun= two hours. So far.
I am heading down the steps to the beach in a few minutes. For the first time- in direct sunlight- on this vacation. Sure, you say, an overcast patch in your Cape Cod wonderland? Poor things. Except. It has been positively Noviembre in general amount of clothiness and blanketude. Non-stop sheets of rain. Temps hovering around 60 degrees- if not lower. No sun-kissed naps here…you know, the kind where you awaken with glowy skin and sparkly mermaid hair? (I know {Read More}
And Peej may or may not have sunken a dinghy.
It is currently a balmy 63 degrees in Cape Cod. This is strange for so many reasons:a) We are at the beach. It should be well over 100 degrees.b) All summer long- in Chicago, mind you- it’s been well over 100 degrees.c) I only packed halter tops. For Nora. That said, our digs this week are a stunning “cottage” with three floors of window seats, wraparound porches and mind-boggling amounts of alcohol. Even more mind-boggling is how quickly the supply {Read More}
That whole "noon" thing was really ambitious.
This past weekend was a doozy. After a slight change in plans allowed me to attend our darling pal Caitlin’s going away party at Mrs. Murphy’s Irish Bistro (go rock the West Coast, sugar!), Peej, Nora and I left for Indiana eaaaaaarly Saturday morning. I’m pretty sure I’m a part time Indiana resident at this point. We headed to Bloomington for the wedding of Natalie and Dave- she of my Pilates-classes-gettin’-me-back-into-jeans-without-elastic fame. {Read More}
And we’ve listened to Life Is A Highway 89 times. Today.
My daughter is currently snoozing upstairs. Sleepin’ the sleep of the completely stoked. The slightly bewildered. The most definitely over-fed. Let’s backtrack a tad. On Tuesday morning, Peej dropped Nora and I off at O’Hare, the Airport Where Dreams Go To Die. I had decided to wake her up a bit earlier than normal for our 8:30am flight…only to find that she was already awake, happily waving at me over the rail of her crib. Subsequently, she was ready for {Read More}