Ohhhkay. So. I’ve been in possession of this child for exactly three weeks now. (Happy three weeks, Nora!) And. I’ve since realized that I will spend the next eighty or so years with my heart in my throat. As it turns out, this little person, this amazingly loud and soft and alert little beastie, this darling cherub in whom I’ve placed all of my love and hopes and dreams…it turns out that eventually WE MUST LEAVE THE HOUSE and people, {Read More}
I feel like I should want to remember how to desire non-baby things. Oh well.
First off, happy two week birthday to my little gal, Miss Nora Jane! (Two weeks? You mean, after all of this crazy pregnancy business and madcap preparation…two weeks can go by like THAT? I turned to Peej at the 4am feeding and sorrowfully told him that she’s getting too big. He pointed at her and said “She is SO teense,” with a ‘Don’t start that already’ look on his face. This from the guy who wants twelve more.) Also, Happy {Read More}
Well, THAT was crazy!
(And look- it’s Thursday! Sure, Thursday night, but still the right blogging day!) Ain’t nothin’ gonna break-a my stride!) So, um, I had a baby! And here’s how it went down: After my morning last Thursday of cleaning everything- twice- and overpacking for a three night stay at the most luxurious of hospitals EVER (and P.J.’s “working from home,” which, God bless him, he really did try to do), we headed downtown. On the way, we said things like, “wouldn’t {Read More}