No babies were harmed during this posting. I’m pretty sure.

If this jinxes it then I am sorry, but…it seems to be Spring. Real Spring. Like, average of 50 degrees (sometimes 85! Sometimes…40), at times darned rainy, but always with that smell of fresh(ish) air. And perhaps that scent coming from the neighbor’s yard. But whatever. I’ll take it. This past week alone I took Nora outside in no less than five baby-totin’ contraptions: the Maya sling, the hip carrier (as in, on my hip- I have lost all hopes of {Read More}

Vodka tonic, stirred with a binky.

Today is rainy and, as my youngest sister used to be fond of saying, dank. It’s hard to get moving on days like today. I’ve found it’s made harder when one is woken up- not by one’s newborn- but by one’s humongo tabby at 5am. To be fair, the cat had important business to deal with at 5am. Atop the armoire. Whining over our heads. And then shrieking as he rode the pivoting standing mirror to the floor. And by {Read More}

Gonna need a bigger Mama Bear mug.

Okay, the weather was amazing on Thursday. And Friday. Like, 70 degree amazing. Open the windows, happily spring-clean (when it’s so gorgeous out, it doesn’t feel like cleaning. More like moving stuff around so the breeze can hit everything) and force my child out of doors- that kind of amazing weather. I took Nora to our neighborhood park and met a woman who had perhaps just been handed her baby. She was incredibly impressed with everything I was doing for {Read More}

Through-line free since 2008!

Sometimes I make notes on my phone, stuff I want to remember and randomly insert into a blog post. I use my version of shorthand- which is really not shorthand at ALL, nor is it terribly short- which proves confusing, occasionally. Today’s note- vmpre bathroom. (See? That second word wasn’t even any different!) I was pretty sure I meant “vampire” bathroom, which made me feel good to figure out. Then I felt badly again, realizing that I still had no {Read More}

We are still drowning in scones. What a way to go.

Nora is currently not speaking to me. This is incredibly hard for her to get across, seeing as she is all of four months old.  Her success in doing so makes it even more harsh. So, why the cold onesie?I let a [relatively] complete stranger hold her down and jab three needles in her thighs, after subjecting her to the humiliation of sucking on a bitter dropper full of something supposedly medicinal. Then I blew in the direction of her {Read More}

Non-heathen baby? Check.

Nora Jane was baptized yesterday and she was kinda okay with it. Kinda. Actually she was superb during the processional (yep, she got to proCESS) and great through the readings and the homily. And then she woke up. To be fair, she couldn’t have been the comfiest of gals. She wore the Schoeny family lace christening gown, complete with Puritanical eyelet bonnet (as my sister Rachel exclaimed- “I saw Goody Proctor with the devil!”) and there were more than a {Read More}

Oh boy OH BOY!

After the psychotic terror of last week’s escapade, I think I was due for some good luck. And what’s luckier than someone else cleaning your house? NOTHING! I’ve always [since 1988] been excellent about keeping a room/ bed/ secret-detective-office, etc/ decently clean. I still do. But there’s just something about that one area of the bathroom/kitchen/couch that always needs cleaning. And you always clean it. But every now and then (say, every five months or so) that you have an {Read More}

I didn’t even mention all the poosplosions.

Oh my stars, 10,000 hits on the ol’ Bob Loblaw’s Law Blog! (Or, you know, this one.) Let’s see who the lucky reader is! Okie doke, someone from Wells, Maine. Hello! So happy to meetcha! And you got here via a search for…the top 10 songs about narcissism. Welcome. This morning upon waking I discovered that all of the feeling in my arms, hands and fingers was missing. There’s a distinct possibility that this was because I slept on my {Read More}