Easter Is A Full Contact Sport.

Those are some pretty special-looking eggs. I spent a good part of last week preparing for Easter with the girls (and Peej). We made paper Easter bunnies and plastered them to our front window. We braided traditional Armenian cheoreg biscuits to consume on Easter morning. Eggs were [carefully] dyed. We even unleashed the girls onto a wealthy neighborhood’s egg hunt. Everything was in place for a cinchy, relaxing, and nice Easter morning. Even though P.J. wanted to go to 8am {Read More}

Eat It, Just Eat It, Open Up Your Mouth And Feed It.

Neither picky nor choosy. Yet. Nora has recently become a choosy eater. Not picky, mind you. Choosy. There’s a mammoth difference. Our choosy eater consumes eggplant parmesan. Spinach pies. Sweet potato fries dipped in blue cheese dressing. WHEN SHE FEELS LIKE IT. And there are many days when she feels like it. And even more when She. Does. Not. I try not to let it get to me (because, after all, that would be a tantrum of my own) and try {Read More}

Wednesday Morning, 8:17 AM

Spring Fever Is Darn Near Killing Me.

It’d be great if you’d point thatcamera somewhere else, yeah? I may be the first person to actually be driven insane by spring fever. My normal state of being is fairly tightly wound. I’m cheerful and playful, but I’m also borderline OCD. (Undiagnosed, actually, so there’s a rather good chance they’d be all like- borderline? You are textbook. A neatly bound textbook, placed alphabetically and color-coordinatedly in a descending size row.) These orderly tendencies keep me firmly planted in the {Read More}

But Who’s Watching The Baby?

My favorite blue-eyed cherub… …And her jaunts to the park… …With her two babysitters. 

Keely Forces Culture Upon Her Children.

Off to discover! In my ongoing struggle with WHY I LOVE CHICAGO and UGH, CHICAGO (not quite short enough to be tattooed on each knuckle), yesterday’s activities warranted a check in the plus column. We went to the Art Institute- free the first and second Wednesday of each month for Illinois residents- and even scored free parking on the street. (I’m not sure how I wasn’t towed, because I do not believe that former Mayor Daley left any inches of {Read More}

She’s Not A Monster. She’s Just Drowsy.

8:46am: Dumped cats’ water bowl out. (On cats.) 9:03am: Dumped out contents of dresser onto floor. (Are you sad, Mommy?) 9:39am: Dumped self onto floor. Split lip. Bled. Cried about bleeding. 10:02am: Asleep in car during three minute drive to Playgroup.  10:03am: Keely realizes that her Godzilla is actually a Sleeping Beauty.


This is the story of how one day- when things are wonderfully calm and simple- you suggest to your two year-old daughter that you bake something. Brownies, perhaps. And how she then proceeds to tear apart the kitchen in excitement, looking for wooden spoons, looking for aprons, trying to eat through the cardboard box to see what color the sugar is, etc., etc., etc. But then you turn on the oven. And, as the room becomes full- maybe overfull, even- {Read More}